Vocational high schools: Macron presents the changes to come

by time news

2023-05-04 22:15:19

DISPATCH – It’s no longer a secret that Emmanuel Macron is aiming for “full employment” and “reindustrialization”, whatever the cost. This Thursday, May 4, he went to a vocational high school in Charente-Maritime and presented the changes to come for the start of the 2023 school year: remuneration and increase in the duration of internships, reinforcement of mentoring and improvement of support. In total, this reform will be financed to the tune of an additional one billion euros per year.

The Head of State says it clearly: the integration of young people into the world of work is a “national cause”. According to him, we must therefore “fight against school dropout, achieve 100% professional integration and recognize the commitments of teachers”.

To make the professional path a choice, middle school students will benefit from the 5th year of a time dedicated to the discovery of trades. As this new program is put in place, they will also have access to the rate of integration, employment, continuation of study… and even remuneration for each sector.

Then, so that working early is a real opportunity, and to “recognize and value the investment of students”, Emmanuel Macron ensures that he wants to reward all internships gradually. Today, companies have no obligation to pay an intern if he does not work for at least two months. However, the first stages of discovery are not done over such a period of time. As explained The Student, from the start of the 2023 school year, high school students will be paid 50 euros per week of internship carried out in the second or first year of CAP, 75 euros in the first or second year of CAP and 100 euros in terminale. In addition, in the final year, students can also choose to increase the duration of their internship, just as they can choose to take entrepreneurship courses.

Finally, Emmanuel Macron wants to put in place “a safety net once the bac in his pocket”, so that young graduates are assured of being accompanied. In theory, this net will be constituted both by advisers from Pôle Emploi, by “business offices” within high schools, or directly by mentors.

Although short channels have long suffered from a bad reputation, they show slightly more appealing for a few years. What is at half mast, on the other hand, is the educational level of the French, as Yves Montenay points out in an article for Counterpoints. Finally, the project seems to be to start earlier, and to finish later. What will the “full employment” and the “reindustrialization” that Emmanuel Macron calls for cost?

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