CPAC Hungary – We have the antidote

by time news

2023-05-04 18:14:21

Hungary is an incubator for the conservative politics of the future: “The conservative, Christian turnaround has been taking place here since 2010,” Prime Minister Viktor Orbán said on Thursday in Budapest at the opening of the CPAC Hungary.

The Western world is under attack from a virus developed in “progressive liberal laboratories,” said the keynote speaker at the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC), which was held in Hungary for the second time Capital city is a guest. This virus is attacking the most sensitive point in the western world, the nation. “But Hungary has the antidote to this virus: we say no to migration, gender madness and War,” Orbán clarified.

Illegal migration is designed to destroy nations

Hungary is the country where not only talked about how to defeat the progressive liberals, they were also defeated, including the conservative turn in politics. “We are the best proof that only one conservative orientation can remedy where liberals and Plunge a country into the abyss.”

Although the Orbán-Government had been in power since 2010, nobody was interested until 2015. The Hungarian experiment actually “owes” its “worldwide reputation” to George Soros, who took it into his head to help Europe with the help of the NGOs he paid for millions to flood illegal immigrants. However, the migration routes devised by these circles met with resistance from Hungary, the oneerected a border fence and defended his homeland.

This year, the CPAC Hungary will again take place in the imposing culture and event center “Bálna” (Eng. Whale) on the Pest bank of the Danube.

Orbán had to but also recognize that the migrants onen importantform part of the philosophy of the Liberals. Illegal migration serves the main goal, the national communityto destroy. “Nations are the great invention of the West, the heart of the free world”, but today all nations of the free world, in Europe as in America, would be attacked.

“These attacks are not economic in nature, we have it with one to do biological weapon onem virus.” This virus was deliberately cultivated in progressive liberal laboratories and propagated to spread it throughout the world. At the same time, the nation is the Achilles tendon of the free world – when the nation falls apart, the opportunity goes ones free life lost and the west below.

“People without a home can never really be free, they are just toys of the global elites,” Orbán warned. It stands not good for the west in the contest of civilizations, “and that this is so have we attribute to ourselves”.

Progressive foreign policy always ends in war

The same goal as dhe illegal migration served the Woke movement and gender propaganda. The prime minister compared these ideologies to communism and Marxism. ANDIn any case, nations would be artificially dismembered into minorities in order to then pit them against each other.

As extraordinarily dangerous he rated the “progressive” foreign policy, with “color noevolutionen in the name of freedom” and “always ends in war”. They come out with the claim of progressive re-education to create a better human being, and they always leave behind chaos and devastated lands. “If Donald Trump were today president of the USA, there would be no war in Ukraine and Europe. Come back, mr President, make America great again and bring us peace!”

“If Donald Trump were President of the USA today, there would be no war in Ukraine.”

Finally, Orbán criticized the progressives’ recent attempt to give EU member states the right to one to adopt an independent foreign policy.

Here it goes to the English language program and live stream of CPAC Hungary 2023.

#CPAC #Hungary #antidote

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