Are wasps dangerous? How to remove a wasp nest

by time news

2023-05-04 18:02:29

Bees are one of the best known flying insects, however, they are not the only ones capable of generating chaos or stings. They are also wasps, the question is: are they dangerous? Find out how to eliminate a wasp nest.

We have all seen a bee, but not all of us identify a wasp. Both insects are similar, hence the common confusion. One of the main differences is the color, because while the bees have brown and yellow tones, the Wasps have yellow and black bands.

Also, according to the government of Renfrewshire in UKlas bees are usually hairyin this way they collect pollen, while the wasps are bald and shiny, since they are mainly predatory and they feed on other insects.

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Are wasps dangerous?

Although bees and wasps are different, both are capable of stinging. The difference is that wasps do not do it just once, but some species can do it repeatedly, in addition to emitting pheromones that alert other wasps to attack.

Although it is true that wasps tend to attack only if they feel threatened, the main problem, in addition to the multiple picketsis the risk of the arrival of “reinforcements”, explains the site Better Health of the Government of Victoria in Australia.

But,wasp stings are dangerous? In general, wasp stings are very painful, but if you only get one, they rarely cause problems. But that does not mean that its poison can cause allergic reactions in susceptible people, which could end in anaphylaxisa severe allergic reaction.

It is for this reason that specialists recommend destroy wasp nests that are on your property.

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How to eliminate a wasp nest?

If you find a wasp nest in your home or other spaces, and it causes problems, the main recommendation is to call a pest control specialistin this way you will avoid the risks of bites and protect your family.

In fact, the British Pest Control Association points out that while there are many guides to removing a wasp nest yourself, it’s best to avoid them. The reason is that, feeling threatened, you could receive multiple wasp stingswhich can be deadly.

In addition, avoid using insect repellent, because although it works with a wasp, it will not work with a group of them. Therefore, never attempt to eliminate a wasp nest, especially without a full suit or proper protection.

What you can do is use traps to reduce the number of wasps. Among these, the University of California Agriculture and Natural Resourcesrecommends:

* Hang wasp traps baited around your home to reduce foraging in your yard or home.

* Make a homemade trap with soapy water and, on it, hang a line with a piece of meat as bait.

Similarly, if there is a wasp nest near your home, keep food covered, as well as sweetened drinks or foods rich in sugar, and garbage in closed containers… And don’t forget throw away the ripe fruit.

Finally, it is important to note that not all wasp nest they must be eliminated, as they also have an important role in nature, reducing some pests.

It is best to only treat them if they are a health and safety risk, for example if they cause a nuisance or are in your home or a school. Also keep in mind that not all wasps are the same, so it’s best to consult an expert.

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What to do if I was stung by a wasp?

For most, it is difficult to identify if we stung by a bee or waspUnless you’ve seen it. One difference is that wasps sting more than once. But, in any case, the specialists of the Cleveland Clinicrecommend applying these first aid:

1. remove the stingscratching it with your fingernail or a credit card, to prevent it from injecting the rest of the poison.

2. apply ice to reduce pain and swelling, always covered with a towel.

3. If the bite is on the arm or leg, raise the zone to reduce swelling.

4. If the discomfort is greater, you can take a antihistamineAlthough it will always be better to consult your doctor beforehand.

Of course, in case anaphylaxis symptoms: itchy, burning, or red skin; swelling of the mouth, tongue or throat; difficulty breathing or swallowing; breath sounds; abdominal pain or nausea; sudden weakness, among other severe symptoms, call 911

The same applies if you were stung more than 10 times or 5, in the case of children.

Wasps, like bees, tend to sting only when they feel threatened. However, that does not eliminate the risk of producing a severe allergic reactionplus multiple painful bites.

Now that you know when it is recommended remove wasp nestsSeek help from a professional and avoid risks to your health and that of your family.

If, on the other hand, you want to know what to do if you get stung by a bee.

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