Tens of thousands of Poles protest against the new law on TV and radio broadcasting | News from Germany about Europe | Dw

by time news

Tens of thousands of people in Poland went to protest against the controversial law on television and radio broadcasting adopted by the Seimas. On Sunday, December 19, in Warsaw, demonstrators gathered in front of the presidential palace. On their posters, in particular, there were slogans: “Free media, free people, free Poland” and “We have the right to truth.”

Protests also took place in Gdansk, Szczecin, Poznan, Krakow and many other cities. The organizers and the police did not provide information on the exact number of participants.

On December 17, the Polish Seim adopted a bill submitted by the ruling national-conservative Law and Justice Party (ZiS). To enter into force, the document must be signed by President Andrzej Duda. Earlier, he was skeptical about the legislative initiative.

Criticism in the USA

The document drew, among other things, criticism in the United States. The State Department in Washington said it was “deeply concerned” about provisions that “could undermine freedom of opinion, weaken media freedom and shake the confidence of foreign investors.” The US called on Dudu to defend constitutionally guaranteed fundamental rights and freedoms.

The bill assumes that broadcasting licenses in Poland will be issued to foreign companies only if they have headquarters or a representative office in the European Economic Area (EEA). In addition, the licensee must not be dependent on companies headquartered outside this zone. From now on, they can own no more than 49 percent of the shares in Polish media.

The main victim may be a television company owned by an American concern

According to a number of experts, the main victim of the changes may be TVN, a television company owned by the American Discovery concern, which ran it through the Dutch-registered company Polish Television Holding BV. The new law, inter alia, stipulates that majority ownership of media outlets located in Poland is prohibited by companies located in the EEA but controlled by firms outside it.

ZiS already controls the Polish public television (Telewizja Polska) and most of the regional press. Since the Conservatives have been in power, Poland has dropped 46 positions in the annual Press Freedom Index.

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