Carlos III begins his reign

by time news

2023-05-06 19:03:53

King Charles III has been crowned in Westminster Abbey in a ceremony that the thousand-year-old church had not hosted since 1953, when Elizabeth II symbolically began her long reign. The British monarchs exercise their functions after the death of their predecessors after a coronation turned into a popular celebration of a new reign when its origin was an act for the aristocracy, foreign monarchies and the church.

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Protracted mourning events for Elizabeth II and the earlier celebration of her Platinum Jubilee in 2022 have not de-glamored the pageantry of the British monarchy for enthusiasts. Hundreds of thousands of people have gathered in a festive spirit, despite the rain, in the surroundings of the abbey and the royal palace of Buckingham. Bad weather and security measures have restricted, however, the number of attendees. The ceremony has been followed by millions of viewers around the world.

Hundreds of thousands of people have gathered despite the rain.

In Trafalgar Square, which borders the route between the royal palace and the abbey, dozens of supporters of the republic gathered around the statue of the first King Charles, who was executed in the 17th century. The leader of the group and other protesters were detained by the Police, who already announced that they would act “robustly against anyone who tries to weaken this celebration.” People who saw the departure of the royal family towards the abbey would have booed Andrés, the king’s brother implicated in a complaint of child abuse.

Enrique and Andrés, at a moment of the ceremony.

The new Carolina era has begun with the promise of modernization and greater frugality in the institution of the monarchy. This time some 2,200 guests attended when some 8,000 watched, tightly packed, the coronation of Elizabeth. The service was also shorter than her mother’s, which lasted for three hours. And it was also more punctual than the 1953 coronation. The rain was present on both events.

Charles III spoke with the Archbishop of Canterbury, Justin Welby, about possible variations in the liturgy. It is a mosaic of rituals dating back a millennium, recorded in a book and in fragments of historical documents. The construction of the abbey was the work of Edward the Confessor, who had been crowned at Winchester. But the Norman invader William the Conqueror wanted to be crowned at Westminster to gain legitimacy as English king at Christmas 1066.

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The new British monarch had already advanced as Prince of Wales his intention to change the religious component of the oath, in which the sovereign becomes Defender of the Faith as the new head of the Church of England, the official State. The king’s ecumenical bent was confirmed in an addendum, in which he pledged to “foster an environment in which people of all faiths and beliefs can live freely.”

Charles III is formally crowned King of England.

A notable change in this coronation from Elizabeth II’s is the substitution of the Empire in titles, ritual, and words for the Commonwealth. Carlos has not had as Prince of Wales the dedication of his mother to maintain meetings and ties with the 56 member countries. And the royal family has lost Andrés, Enrique and Meghan to discover the schedule of events. Nominal Head of State of fourteen member countries, Carlos III will give priority to the care of these relations, which help the projection of the United Kingdom in the world

The organizers made up the colors of the Ukrainian flag with the temple carpets. The king also commissioned new music, for a service with works by Bach, Handel or Bruckner and in which they repeated the English classics at royal ceremonies: Elgar, Walton, William and Purcell. Five choirs, an orchestra, military trumpet bands participated… Carlos chose his clothing, inspired by the habits of George V, and also that of the princes of Wales.

voluntary loyalty

Archbishop Welby sparked controversy last week by announcing that at the ceremony he would ask parishioners and coronation viewers via screens to swear allegiance to the king. The reaction was more negative than positive and the spiritual leader of the Church of England tried to reassure the population by assuring that he was not obligatory but voluntary.

He read his proposal at the conclusion of the religious service: “I now invite those who wish to offer their support to do so, with a moment of private reflection, saying together that God save King Charles at the end, or for those who have the words before , that they recite them in their entirety». The attendants replied: “I swear that I will be truly loyal to her Majesty, to her heirs and successors, according to the law. God help me”. A Charles biographer said on Friday that the new king did not like Welby’s idea.

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The anointing of the new sovereign, with sacred oil brought from Jerusalem, carried out in a private and also sacred act behind a tapi screen, preceded the coronation. It is common in the history of many countries and territories. In the British case, it requires golden robes for the king and a solid gold crown that weighs two and a quarter kilos. Queen Camila followed the same ritual of anointing and crowning. Hers is not new as was the case with previous consorts.

Conservative MP Penny Mordaunt carrying the Sword of State.


The British media have highlighted, however, the heroism of Penny Mordaunt, Conservative deputy, government minister for relations with the House of Commons and president of the Privy Council that brings together the monarch and deputies. In the initial procession of the service, the coronation and the final parade, he had to transport the Sword of State, more than one meter long and close to four kilos. Mordaunt would have designed the outfit for her and purchased it with her money, for there was no precedent for a woman carrying the ornamental weapon.

An audience of foreign heads of state, the political ‘establishment’ and representatives of charities celebrated the coronation of a popular king, but one who cannot be compared in his first steps with the admiration aroused by the late queen. It renews, however, the comfortable feeling of tradition among most Britons. Neighborhood lunches will extend the celebration of the historic event with banquets and street parties this Sunday. In 1953 it rained more, but the mass of those gathered in front of Buckingham Palace enjoyed the appearance on the balcony of Elizabeth II and her family so much at 5:42 p.m. that they demanded an encore. There were five: at 7:20 p.m., 9:45 p.m., 10:40 p.m., 11:30 p.m. and midnight, after which the lights in the palace went out. After returning to Buckingham accompanied by a spectacular military parade, Carlos III perhaps evoked by greeting those gathered that he was two years old when he first appeared on that balcony.

#Carlos #III #begins #reign

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