The most popular zoos in Germany – DW – 07.05.2023

by time news

2023-05-07 07:09:00

From 500,000 to three million people – this is the usual number of visitors to the most popular German zoos – in each of them annually. About 50 million – in all the zoos in Germany, of which there are somewhere around four hundred. The top five include zoos in Berlin, Stuttgart, Leipzig, Cologne and Hamburg, but a whole twenty will be represented here.

Berlin – Tiergarten

Flamingos at the Berlin ZooPhoto: picture-alliance/dpa/D. Naupold

Berlin Zoological Garden (Zoologischer Garten)) in the Tiergarten metropolitan area is the oldest zoo in Germany. It was opened in 1844. It is one of the largest German zoos and ranks first in the world in terms of the number of animal species represented.


stuttgart zoo
Recruitment from sloths at the Stuttgart ZooPhoto: picture-alliance/dpa/Wilhelma Stuttgart

Zoological and botanical garden “Wilhelm” (Wilhelma Zoologisch-Botanischer Garten) is located in the Stuttgart district of Bad Cannstatt. It is located on the territory of the former palace and park complex, the main building of which was completed in 1846 for the wedding of the Crown Prince of Württemberg Karl and the daughter of the Russian Tsar Olga Nikolaevna.


Leipzig Zoo
Tapirs in the Tropical Pavilion of the Leipzig ZooФото: picture-alliance/AP Photo/J. Meyer

Leipzig Zoo (Zoologischer Garten Leipzig)) was founded in 1878 by the owner of one of the city’s restaurants as a private menagerie. In Leipzig, a twenty-year project “Zoo of the Future” is being implemented, which provides for the creation of new thematic landscapes here. This tropical pavilion “Gondwanaland” was opened in 2011.


cologne zoo
Elephant Park at Cologne ZooPhoto: picture-alliance/Eibner-Pressefoto/J. Eibner

Cologne Zoo (Kölner Zoo) was founded in 1860. A subject of special pride is the spacious “Elephant Park” (Elefantenpark) with an area of ​​​​two hectares.


hamburg zoo
Alpaca with offspring at the Hamburg ZooPhoto: picture alliance/W. Struss

Hamburg Zoo (Tierpark Hagenbeck)) bears the name of the founder – scientist, circus owner and animal trainer Karl Hagenbeck. It was opened in 1907 and became the first zoo in the world in which an attempt was made to keep animals not in cages, but to recreate natural habitat conditions for them as much as possible.


Hannover Zoo
Meerkats at the Hannover Zoo celebrate HalloweenPhoto: Moritz Frankenberg/dpa/picture alliance

Hannover Zoo (Erlebnis-Zoo Hannover), founded in 1865, is one of the oldest in Germany. At the beginning of this century, the new concept of ZOO 2000 was implemented here at a cost of almost 55 million euros, after which the number of visitors increased even more.


Hellabrunn Zoo in Munich
Polar bears at Munich Zoo HellabrunnPhoto: picture-alliance/Sven Simon

“Hellabrunn” in Munich (Tierpark Hellabrunn) is the largest zoo in Europe. It is located in the southern part of the Bavarian capital on the banks of the Isar River. It became the first zoo in the world organized on a geographical basis (Geozoo) – five continents and polar regions, as well as thematic sections, including a grotto of bats and a monkey house.


Nuremberg Zoo
At the Nuremberg Zoo DolphinariumPhoto: picture-alliance/dpa/D. Karmann

Nuremberg Zoological Garden) is a large landscape zoo located on the outskirts of the city in the former imperial forest of St. Lawrence (Lorenzer Reichswald). The zoo has been located in this place since 1939. He was transferred here from the territory that the NSDAP needed to hold their party congresses in Nuremberg.

Berlin – Friedrichsfelde

Zoo in Berlin-Friedrichsfeld
Friedrichsfelde Palace inside the zooPhoto: picture-alliance/dpa/H. Hanschke

Another zoo in the German capital, in the Friedrichsfelde district (Tierpark Berlin). It was founded by decision of the GDR authorities in 1955 in East Berlin, since the old zoo was in the western part of the city. Known for his African elephant breeding program. He was awarded the Order of Karl Marx.


duisburg zoo
Wolves at Duisburg ZooPhoto: picture-alliance/dpa/R. Weihrauch

Duisburg Zoo (Zoo Duisburg) is most popular in one of Germany’s most populous regions, the Ruhr area. It was created in 1934. Its dolphinarium is especially famous, but we have already seen dolphins today, so Duisburg will be represented by polar wolves in our selection.

Frankfurt am Main

frankfurt zoo
Aardvarks at the Frankfurt ZooPhoto: picture-alliance/dpa/F. Rumpenhorst

Frankfurt Zoo (Zoo Frankfurt) was created in the middle of the century before last with donations from the townspeople. After the Berlin Zoological Garden – the oldest in Germany. Traditionally plays an important role in international projects for the conservation of endangered species. Particular success has been achieved here as part of a captive breeding program for great apes – gorillas, orangutans, chimpanzees and bonobos.


Gelsenkirchen Zoo
Glass tunnel in the Aquarium of the Gelsenkirchen ZooФото: picture-alliance/AP Photo/M. Meissner

Another popular zoo of the Ruhr area is located in Gelsenkirchen – ZOOM Erlebniswelt Gelsenkirchen. In the past decade, it was subjected to a phased reconstruction, after which it received this new name. The concept of the zoo makes it possible to see the animals as close as possible and get the maximum impression.


Zoo Karlsruhe
Fenechs – miniature foxes at the Karlsruhe ZooPhoto: picture-alliance/dpa/dpaweb/R. Wittek

Zoological City Park in Karlsruhe), founded in 1865, is one of the oldest and largest in Germany. The zoo is part of a state-protected city park, which also includes a large rose garden and a Japanese garden, established in 1918.


münster zoo
Malayan bear at Münster ZooPhoto: picture-alliance/dpa/K. Kurek

All-weather zoo in Münster (Allwetterzoo Münster) was opened in 1974. It continues the traditions of the zoo, founded in the city in the second half of the 19th century, the territory of which was given over to development. In return, the new zoo received a larger site. The architects have developed a concept that allows visitors to move between the enclosures and pavilions through covered walkways and paths.


Osnabrück Zoo
African warthogs at Osnabrück ZooPhoto: picture-alliance/dpa/C. Jaspersen

Zoo in Osnabrück) was founded in 1936. Initially, only animals found in the wild in Germany could be seen here. The first were the badger, the fox and the bear. Animals from other countries and continents appeared after the war.


Dresden Zoo
Orangutans at the Dresden ZooPhoto: picture-alliance/dpa/A. Burgi

Dresden Zoo (Zoo Dresden) is one of the five oldest in Germany. Located on the territory of the park, founded in the Baroque era. Almost all the animals died during the bombings of 1945, but in May of the following year the zoo again received its first visitors.


Zoo in Kronberg
Cheetahs at the zoo in KronbergPhoto: picture-alliance/dpa/A. Arnold

This zoo is located in the foothills of the Taunus in the small town of Kronberg – about 20 kilometers from Frankfurt am Main. It was founded in 1956 on the initiative of a representative of the famous German entrepreneurial dynasty Georg von Opel and bears his name -Opel-Zoo. Funded solely by proceeds from ticket sales and donations.


wuppertal zoo
Snow leopard at the Wuppertal ZooPhoto: picture-alliance/dpa

Zoo in Wuppertal) is the third zoo in the Ruhr area after Duisburg and Gelsenkirchen out of the twenty most visited in Germany. It was opened in 1881 at the expense of a specially created joint-stock company.


augsburg zoo
Peacock and ostrich at the Augsburg ZooPhoto: picture-alliance/dpa/dpaweb/S. Puchner

Zoo Augsburg) received its first visitors in 1937. At first, it was planned to keep only animals typical of German nature here. Exotic species appeared after the war. Participates in almost twenty European programs for the conservation of rare animals.


heidelberg zoo
Madagascar fossa at the Heidelberg ZooPhoto: picture-alliance/dpa/R. Wittek

Heidelberg Zoo (Zoo Heidelberg) is one of the zoos created in the thirties of the last century on a voluntary basis and through donations. It was almost completely destroyed during World War II. The renovation of the zoo began in the 1970s. Heidelberg now contains many rare animals, for example, fosses – the largest predatory mammals of the island of Madagascar.

#popular #zoos #Germany #07.05.2023

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