Nantes: Christian Perronne meets his supporters

by time news

2023-05-07 14:00:00

PANEL / MEETING – A full house for Professor Perronne on the evening of Friday May 5 in an establishment in the suburbs of Nantes, where he was giving a lecture at the invitation of the Dobree bookstore as well as several healthcare groups.

And a moment of emotion when, taking the floor, he greets his sister Catherine present in the room, then evokes the memory of his brother-in-law who died in Nantes during the first wave of Covid. “We let my brother-in-law die”he said at the time, since the early treatments had not been applied to him.

Completing this preliminary picture, I will add that I did not attend a gathering of hooded people, who came at nightfall to weave I don’t know what plot. I saw peaceful women and men, of course won over to the cause that Professor Perronne served, giving him thunderous applause at the end of his speech.

May power be reassured! I have not heard of the taking of any Bastille. And, when Professor Perronne declared, before lending himself to the questions and answers: “Learn to say: no!”, historical precedents are there to prove him right.

I hesitated to give this article a sibylline title: “3 months and 400 billion…”. As it is true that at a time when the pandemic has turned on its heels (“today it’s flu, bronchitis, and we have all the tools to treat”), it is now possible to measure, with the hindsight given by the passage of time, the weight of the errors, and even of the faults, committed by our rulers in the management of what has been “a real epidemic, but not a tragedy”.

Christian Perronne observes that in total, “mortality has been extremely low in all countries of the world, and has only decreased over time”. It was not “no worse than the heat wave”, and if there has been excess mortality, it is for the elderly, people with cardiovascular and respiratory problems. Above all, “If we had treated, we would have avoided most of the deaths”et “It would have been finished in 3 months”for one simple reason: “Early treatments had proven their effectiveness”. Raoult’s study was “fantastic”its application in Garches had confirmed its effectiveness, on the sole condition of “give very early” the azithromycin – hydroxychloroquine protocol.

But there ! If we had applied these treatments – and, even before the arrival of the pandemic in France, the government had removed chloroquine from over-the-counter drugs -, it was not possible to promote a “vaccine “of a really new kind, since it does not prevent either catching or transmitting the disease, which should all the same put a flea in the ear of Professor Perronne’s detractors.

It was therefore necessary to resort to “a fraudulent use of PCR”, whose inventor had however said that it should never be used in the general population, for “to make believe that there were huge waves”.

We thus have “declared Covid case of people in perfect health” et “created an epidemic of false cases to maintain fear”justify the confinement of the population and legitimize the use of a “vaccine” which was not justified, “given the extremely low mortality”.

On the strength of his experience in the field of vaccination, and the high positions occupied in this field within the World Health Organization (WHO) for greater Europe, from the Atlantic to Vladivostok, Christian Perronne is progressing quietly: “A vaccine is 10 years of development, and we cannot shorten it to less than 6-7 years”. And, above all, marketing authorization should never have been given to this product which is “still in experimental phase”. That being so, “If they had recognized that hydroxychloroquine worked, they were cooked!”

The professor also says: “We have endangered pregnant women (for whom, normally, a vaccine must have been applied for 20 years), children. Vaccination obligations – which, strangely, do not concern the police – are illegal, since it is this is an experimental product”, et “It is tantamount to a crime against humanity”.

In total, France will have spent “400 billion euros for the Covid” (while the power is looking for 12 to 13 billion for pensions!), and that “for a toxic pseudo-vaccine”. As it was impossible to deny that it did not prevent the transmission of the virus, the idea was spread that it protected serious forms and death. Alas! it quickly became apparent that “vaccinated people were more likely to develop severe forms and die” (4 times more according to a study published in England).

And, now, the consequences of the application of this experimental product appear in full clarity. The newspaper The Parisian recently reported a “20% increase in mortality”, for an unknown cause! A “huge increase” myocarditis, thromboses, strokes, embolisms, is also observed.

Christian Perronne strongly denounces this: what is “very worrying, it is the current outbreak of cancers (GPs have never seen this in their lives)”, “turbo-cancers”, say some. We attend to “an outbreak of pancreatic cancer, but we don’t know where it comes from”. Also at “a significant increase in sterility, which concerns both men and women”.

And the doctor’s diagnosis is no better when applied to our large institutions. Justice has not been independent of political power, medicine is “a great danger”, “we killed the hospital”on a “suppressed the freedom of expression of doctors, academics” (even if the Disciplinary Chamber of the Ile-de-France Order of Physicians recognized him “not only the right, but the obligation to issue a dissenting opinion” on how the pandemic was handled).

These are, for the most part, the comments made by Christian Perronne during this beautiful evening in Nantes. In line with the fight he has been leading for three years, Professor Perronne tirelessly pursues his action, while he could have quiet days since his retirement. Obviously, the load is heavy (his name appears on “a list of four people to kill” !). But he wears it with a courage that commands respect and deserves the support of his supporters.

Alain Tranchant

#Nantes #Christian #Perronne #meets #supporters

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