The new batch of Galician looks arrives

by time news

2023-05-08 05:00:00

From left to right, and from top to bottom, Yolanda Lage, Xurxo Codesido, Laura Couce and Andrs Antelo and Ana Eirs. Cesar ToimilXon A. SolerMarcos Mguez

Most residents opt for community hospitals, although some decide to move on for a few years; the EIR and the FIR also seek to stay here if they get a place

08 may 2023 . Updated at 05:00 h.

On May 23 they start working on the Sergas hospitals all residents who have obtained a place in the last call for specialized health training. Most are doctors, but there are also nurses, psychologists or pharmacists. And a very high percentage are young Galicians. Galicia attracts above all those who have been educated here or those who want to return to their land while studying abroad. But there are also graduates who have decided to make the leap to another community. Of course, to return later.

It is the case of Fernando Peleteiro (Santiago, 1997). Start the family specialty in Barcelona. This medical branch was clear, and all that remained was to choose the destination. Since he plans to return at the end of his residency —something to be thankful for at Sergas, with a serious shortage of family doctors—, while I wanted a city that would provide me with a strong contrast, with a different climate, that also had another language, and big, with a lot of movement. You will undoubtedly find all this in Barcelona, ​​and although the price of housing and the frenetic pace of this city can be disadvantages, maybe in four years they will help me think “okay, now I’m going back to a more peaceful life”.

Jorge Codesido. JOHN A. SOLER

Something similar happened to Jorge Codesido (O Milladoiro, Ames, 1997), who is going to Madrid to do family medicine, had doubts with a psychiatrist and even a child psychiatrist, but thinking about it, family is the one that will contribute the most to me and the one with the most job opportunities. I studied in Santiago, so the mir was the opportune moment to make a change, there is always time to return.


For one reason or another, there are others who leave, but most choose to stay in Galicia. Laura Couce (Valdovio, 1998) is one of the Galicians who got the best grade in this exam. While I was preparing the mir, I was getting good results, but on the day of the test, my nerves were there: the confidence I had up to that moment left me, when I went out everyone told me not to worry, but I had a very bad feeling. When he verified that he had done a great test, he felt relief: All my adrenaline suddenly dropped and I began to cry. I wanted to stay in Galicia and do neurology and I thought, now I can breathe.

Laura came to medicine in a curious way. Her neighbor was diagnosed with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. She was in her fourth year of ESO and there she began to be interested in medicine: We lived through the disease process with her and she even bought me a book from her. In fact, until now her intention was to do Physiotherapy because she played soccer and she was in contact with that discipline. In any case, she had doubts between neurology and family medicine: The health center is the place where I feel most comfortable, but neuro is the subject that I liked the most since the first year of my degree, it intrigues me and arouses excitement. When I finish trying to stay in Galicia to research and work in the field of neurodegenerative pathologies: I am interested above all in prkinson’s, perhaps because my final degree project was about this disease, she concludes.

The specialty he wanted, north, sea, a good hospital, nature, and a climate and customs similar to Galicia. Ana Eirs (Santiago, 1997) mixed all these ingredients and chose hematology at the Cruces University Hospital in Bilbao. The Mir exam didn’t go as well as he expected, but although he was disappointed at first, when he got the destination he wanted, the goal was accomplished. In Bilbao he has friends, and there is a lot of mountain culture, sports, it has the sea nearby and mountains for hiking. Before taking the exam, he explained in a report in La Voz what he wanted: Digestive, pediatric or hematology, if possible in a city on the coast, and return to Galicia later. That is, challenge achieved.

Andrs Antelo and Ana Eirs. XON A. SOLER

Andrew Antelo (A Corua, 1998) s opted for Galicia. She had a good result in the exam and this, together with the fact that she didn’t like the mythical specialties that quickly run out, gave her peace of mind when choosing: I could dance the place, but I had possibilities in any specialty. He hesitated between several: internal, pediatrician, endocrinologist, cardiology… and in the end he chose the latter. And that the Chuac squares were already taken when it was his turn, but he will go nearby, to Vigo, to do a specialty that deserves all the efforts made up to now. The preparation for the mir is hard months and you have ups and downs, but seen with perspective it is worth it, he says.

Yolanda Lage. CESAR TOIMIL

Most of the places in specialized health training are in medicine. But not all. In fact, this year the Ministry has made the largest offer of nurses in all its specialties. Yolanda Lage (Ferrol, 1997) He has been working as a temporary worker at Sergas since he graduated, but he thought it was a good opportunity to specialize. He stopped taking contracts, studied for ten months and got one of the best grades in Spain (23): It was totally unexpected, I didn’t think for a moment that it would have turned out so well.

I will do the EIR in the mental health branch in the health area of ​​Ferrol. He had no doubt. What’s more, that’s why he wanted to do this exam: When he was eventually rotated by various services and I was in mental health. I discovered that it was what I liked, so if I wanted to always work in that service I had to take risks, I left everything and began to study, she says.

The Chuac hospital pharmacy is incorporated on May 23 Eva Gomez (Melide, 1998), graduated in Pharmacy and ranked 91st in the FIR. When I saw that I could stay in the city where I am, I didn’t even think about it, it is also a very good hospital, says this young woman in reference to Chuac. It wasn’t until fifth grade practice that he discovered that she liked clinical pharmacy, and he didn’t think about it. The role of these professionals is increasingly important in health centers, although as Eva admits it is often not known: When I tell my friends, they ask me, but what are you going to do?

#batch #Galician #arrives

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