night of wires and amateur thieves – Science or Fiction

by time news

2023-05-08 06:30:00


Monday May 8, 2023 and today I am going to talk to you about a home invasion.

Friday night, well to be more specific from Friday night to Saturday,

They entered the house, well, it was not at home, but it was in the lower part of the house,

to the exterior paste and they entered the garage and took, as far as we know to date,

We have not missed anything else, a bicycle, a bicycle that was fond of it, it was more

sentimental than anything else, that Kiko gave me, greetings Kiko, and some pliers, for now we have only

found that and I think that it will not go further, because it is not that we had any hidden jewel for

there. I proceed to tell you the facts. Saturday morning, well, it was already a little bit more advanced

the day, it was… it was 11 or so in the morning, I realized that the plug that I have home automation

to make my electric motorcycle charge or not charge was disconnected. I was not connected

to the current, put without connection. And well, I thought it would be another one of those moments,

It is what my father-in-law puts to do a drill or something and it is in a socket because he needs it, he removes it

and that’s it. The case is that after a while I went downstairs, went down to the garage and there was my father-in-law

and I go in and see that the plug was connected. And I start to look to see the cable to where

well and he got to the motorcycle and I see that the power strip is also connected and I say well, come in

stockings something has to happen and I start to look behind a motorcycle that we have covered

because we don’t use a half old motorcycle but we go above all it is that it is not using us if

could perfectly use the case is that there is the motorcycle covered with his with his good with

these covers that when you are going to put it on when you are not going to use the motorcycle in a while and I put it on

behind the little hole between the motorcycle and the wall and I see that the cable is cut the cable is

cut and it’s like black as if a spark had jumped and it had split but

Of course, a fairly clean cut and it’s a good cut, what do you say, well I don’t know how it happened

but it has happened. In the case that we start to see what could have happened such and such and

suddenly I look at the wall and say but if the bike is not there. The bike was covered with blankets.

because in the garage at the end you have a uralite ceiling and they hold the uralite ceiling

Well, about three years of wood and birds get in there and shit everything on you. then right there

where the bike fell because there was a blanket so it couldn’t be seen and I don’t know if that’s what he did,

that the people who entered, I imagine there will be at least two, I don’t think more, those who

come in they will take the motorcycle obviously not going to take it, nor mine either, but when he sees a

covered bike, maybe that’s what made them take it away, I don’t know, what a wow that at the time of

get money and sell it, the bike is beautiful, something to sell easily I think that is the most

easy. The fact is that we already realized that the bike was not there, the cable was broken and

there was a picture on the wall, a picture made of handcrafted wood, let’s say, and it had come down

So, of course, we saw that the other bike, too, these types of pockets that are placed on the frame,

good that it has a triangular shape but well, under where you sit well in the box there

They sell some bags that are hooked on the frame, a little under the seat and you put some in there

tool, whatever. We also realized that she had moved. Then there was a

guitar out there that no one uses, because it was also on the ground. We already realized that

yes, clearly someone had entered. So what I did was go to the back of the

house, there is a gate that leads to another garden that does not have a gate and there I saw an area near one

of the posts that was bent, like someone had leaned on it to jump. And just

on this side of the fence you could also see that it had rained a lot a few days ago,

a pair of footprints, which I imagine of course when you go down, when you jump you get stuck

more than you nail yourself at that very moment walking in a normal way.

I don’t know how we didn’t hear anything because once you see the scene, that in my head is like the scene

This one from the Bebe Villuela sketch, which you will know if you are Spanish, if you are from abroad I don’t think so, this

from the scene on the stairs, because come on, that was a show, that is, a guitar on the floor,

a dropped painting, come on, that should have been it, I don’t understand what happened, it’s clear that people

that it has to be amateur or average your normal, because the scene is quite curious.

The fact is that what I think happened, as my head requires the facts, is from

the following way. Entering, it seems that they gave the dog something, because later on

the afternoon was quite groggy, at first we thought there was a torn shirt

also a torn t-shirt that turned out not to belong to any of us, a t-shirt we have

the dog has been labeled, so then one of the first things we think is, well, they might have

given taken the shirt they have put something on it and they are given to the dog to play and they stun it and it turns out

no, that shirt is an order from amazon that a delivery man has had to do his job well

work caught and threw over the fence, it is recorded and I put the video in the group

from Telegram in case you are curious and want to see it. There it is and it’s quite funny and clear,

the dog picked up the shirt and picked up the package that fell in the orchard ahead and did it

shredded and then continued with the shirt. But hey, the theory is that. The thing is that after

It seems that in the afternoon the dog that doesn’t stop was always making a fuss, it was very

very still, that is, in that scene it is still plausible, we have not made any analysis of the

dog, but come on, I’m also convinced, that is, when you have a dog, the only thing you do

bother you when dogs pass by on the street and it’s good that cats don’t come to pee all over them

hallacent orchards because it is clear that when someone enters they no longer consider him an enemy and the most

What is he going to do if by chance it is the merlela of the face, but I would not be surprised if they did

something of that. What if I’m never going to believe it and it’s also been heard these days ago

little related to this topic, is to think that they are people who send the alarm companies

for you to set alarms. And from there I also started a conversation for Leila but the same

stupid, of, well, WHO or pharmaceutical, well, lowering in this case the number of the

corésteo level to sell more pills, so not to the ardina. If you think this,

I think what you should do right now is stop the podcast and read a little,

because I believe that the world is full of enough uneducated, idiots and

And we can stop saying these things now, right?

I think we are at a point where…

Well, what’s more, it’s that you don’t even need to stop thinking that.

If you think about it, simply don’t say it, because that’s not how you portray yourself.

But hey, outside of this, wrapping up the topic,

the dog seems to have not acted very normally, but come on…

I wouldn’t be surprised if without doing anything to it, since the dog did absolutely nothing,

because these dogs are not worth.

that which. The scene as I see it is high on the fence, they go to the garage, they see it’s open,

which is no longer the case, in case they returned the next day to take something that is not going to

pass. It’s closed, a camera that I had set up in another place is set there, we’ve taken

many measures, because if you are listening to me, it is already the one who takes the bike, if you come back, we have a

area in the orchard to bury you and never see anything of you again, so well,

you’re listening, don’t come back, we’ve already taken action. I don’t know if they would go around for another

situations but they would go into the garage and I don’t know, they would see the two motorcycles, they would see that they were not

They were going to be able to take him because they weren’t going to enter through the door, that is, they weren’t going to jump over them or anything.

the stretch, I don’t think they could have taken it away making any cut with pliers or

something and taking them through the middle of the orchard, so seeing that what they did is take the bicycle,

the kid’s tricycle, which is super refitted with that bike that they took, that every time I

I can take it out, the devils take me, because it fits in the malillar, wherever, they removed that,

they made him carry the bike, the bike would fall off, the frame on top would also fall off,

the bike would be hooked up to the cable that passed through that same wall to charge the electric motorcycle,

they would see that they could not take it away, they would try to catch it and it would get hooked, well, what do I know in the

pedal it wherever it was, it would turn around, they would see that there was a panel of these that you put in the

stop with screws to hold tools, they would take those pliers that they also took,

they would cut the cable, it would give a spark and the part where it was cut turned black because it was

connected to the current. No one got stuck because those things had rubber grips on them.

misfortune in this case and they took and went the way they had come and they would throw the

bike to the other side and see you later and it seems that there is nothing else, there is nothing else. Well,

at this point, well, one can file a complaint, we are still seeing that, it was on Friday and

They already catch the weekend, but the fact is that this is what happened on Friday for what could

so much better. There are other times that another time that they entered and at that time

we made the mistake of leaving the car unlocked and putting something like “well, I’m talking in the car” and they took

things from the glove compartment, since then the car has not been left open and now since then

Well, the garage will not be left open because it is also prepared by the lecandao and

that, then in the end you leave trusting that if it happened once a long time ago, then it does not happen and if

It will happen to us again because it will be the same, in a few years we will lose the habit of doing

that because well it happened a long time ago and so on and suddenly it happens to you but if this is what happens,

If from time to time something like this has to happen, well, you can also touch wood

it better not happen because in the end you feel that feeling of vulnerability and so on and also

of anger but hey what else can be done everyone is fine there has been no conflict

between humans it has been conflicts between bicycles gravity and a cable is the only thing that seems

be that there has been and little else. I am almost, almost convinced, although I have an antisym left

of doubt that it is not anyone from an insurance company, I mean, of alarms for I see me now

forced or encouraged to set an alarm, just as I don’t think it lowered my cholesterol level

to sell more pills, just as some study comes out in which it tells you that it is worth

the limit that you are setting is already bad for your health, let’s lower it, but hey,

Who am I, I’m not a formaceutical or anything. So the conspiracy theory always goes by

there why we go, maybe this forest is sponsored by some pharmaceutical company. And what was said nothing more,

If you have any comments or something similar that you want to share, you have the telegram community at

telegram, well, of course,ón, greetings and see you tomorrow Tuesday and still

because the little one is sick and the moments to record or to have these little moments are few

because the poor thing doesn’t come out of one and get into another and well, we’ll tell it in Pagaz. See you tomorrow.



#night #wires #amateur #thieves #Science #Fiction

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