baby health and family joy

by time news

2023-05-04 10:43:26

Humanization in neonatology does not only consist of smiling at the mother and father, but must be based on a well-prepared, equipped and professionalized care structure so that the baby and his family can be adequately cared for at vital moments, which can be very happy or very critical

Neonatal humanization: baby health and family joy

“Humanization in healthcare is one of the aspects that most concerns us who work in the National Health System in Spain,” says Dr. Manuel Sánchez Luna, head of the Neonatology Service at the Gregorio Marañón General University Hospital in Madrid.

“For some years now we have been experiencing a before and after in health care in neonatal care, either in relation to babies who are born healthy or to those who require some time of hospitalization after delivery”, frames the also president of seNeo.

The implementation and development of care levels in the Neonatal Units, indicated are the milestones of 2004 and 2013, has caused a significantly positive evolution in the birth rate, in the universalization of knowledge and in the techniques and devices of the treatment of their patients.

The care criteria are based on defining groups of newborns that can be cared for in each unit based on gestational age, birth weight, experience of health personnel, the amount and type of material available or the techniques that can be used. depending on the complexity of each case.

Tiers range from low-risk gestations, healthy term neonates, and those clinically stable neonates 35-37 weeks gestational age (Level I), to neonates requiring a full spectrum of subspecialized pediatric medical and surgical care (Level IIIC). ).

“It is an improvement in care that is closely related to medical and technological advances, based on knowledge, instrumentation, techniques or the empirical results of the different treatments”, highlights Dr. Sánches Luna.

But it is also based on a very important factor: the awareness of the health system towards the true protagonist: the baby and his family, who are people.

“We must always keep in mind that the vast majority of people who come to a Neonatology center do not come for a pressing or chronic disease, but to celebrate the happiest event of their lives”, he points out.

Currently, another twist is possible, since the online dissemination of knowledge and worldwide clinical experience (telephony, television, internet, etc.) undoubtedly enhances the preparation of medical and nursing staff , another of the keys to quality care.

Humanization, aim of cutting-edge Neonatology

“And the aspects related to humanization are transcendental in the quality of care. We are talking about a set of factors that have to do with the environment in which the health procedures are going to be carried out”, emphasizes the neonatologist.

“The birth of a newborn can be a party, but sometimes that is not the case when the newborn is sick or is born prematurely, which entails a hospital stay of some consideration, even more so in critical situations”, focus the purpose.

The environment where these families are going to be must be taken care of, because they need to have an appropriate space in which they can interact with the newborn who is hospitalized.

“All the members that are part of the family nucleus affected by the birth or hospitalization of the baby have to feel between cottons to mitigate the worry, tension or pain” he emphasizes.

It is even a priority that they feel at home, even if it is only for a few hours.

A good example is shown in theAlvarete Parents Room” of the Maternity Hospital of the General University Hospital Gregorio Marañón.

“Both the baby and its mother and father find themselves, due to premature birth or health problems, in a hostile environment; so it is essential to offer a friendly space where they can improve emotional ties with their sons and daughters”.

“These families need our support and a lot of confidence; that they feel that they are part of a great professional team that is healing and caring for their newborn. We are all in the same boat whose destiny is to bring the baby forward… They need, above all, security”.

Nurse Carmen Varea Rodríguez, head of the Neonatology Intermediate ICU

“Health personnel must be highly educated and trained in the knowledge of aspects related to humanization”, reinforces the chief neonatologist at HGUGM.

“From the university stage, with their respective faculties of Medicine and Nursing, through the MIR, we must inculcate the process of humanization in the different health care services, especially in Neonatology,” he explains.

And not only on a personal level, but the physical environment is decisive.

“The architecture of the hospital, its structure, the design of the different Areas and Units, especially in Neonatology, must be based on humanism: the spaces with their square meters must fulfill their task of comfort and family intimacy”, reiterates the Dr. Sanchez Luna.

“Even more when it is necessary from the spiritual point of view, so that these families obtain times of rest and mutual dedication,” he continues.

“Also when we have to give bad news… From a professional point of view, through teams or groups that are perfectly formed and trained to carry out this highly humanitarian work: the space where this type of communication will be addressed must be prepared before, during and after the meeting”, complete.

And of course!, as long as the medical care control of the affected families lasts, outside the hospital environment.

“We must carry out a specific follow-up of those families that have had problems during pregnancy, in the delivery process or, in a special way, those who received medical attention until the moment of hospital discharge”, he indicates.

“All these babies and their familiessome of whom will receive care for life, need spaces for rehabilitation, recovery or stimulation… And we have to dedicate our time and trained professionals in the area of ​​humanization to them”, concludes Dr. Manuel Sánchez Moon,

#baby #health #family #joy

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