“Hormonal Hair Loss: Signs, Causes, and Treatment Options”

by time news

2023-05-08 16:18:00

Signs of hormonal hair loss

  • Significantly more hair that can be found in clumps after combing, in the sink drain or on the pillow after sleeping.
  • The hair is getting thinner, recognizable for example by a thinning braid.
  • There are increasing bald spots and the scalp shimmers through the hair. The hair loss is usually noticeable in the crown region, in the area of ​​the forehead or temples.

Hormonal hair loss: what does menopause have to do with it?

Most women experience menopause between their mid-40s and early 50s. During this period, the fertility of the ovaries gradually decreases and hormone production decreases. As a result of hormonal fluctuations, ovulation and periods become more irregular until they stop altogether.

The hormonal ups and downs are noticeable physically. Typical complaints include: Hot flashes, insomnia, depression, mood swings and even hair loss. About a third of all women suffer from thinning and falling hair during the menopause. How is that to be explained? The hair roots are very sensitive to hormonal fluctuations. It is precisely the drop in estrogen levels that damage hair growth. Because the more estrogen the body produces, the longer the hair is in the growth phase.

Conversely, this means that if the female sex hormone is missing, hair growth slows down and the hair growth cycle is disrupted. The consequences: Less hair can be replaced than naturally falls out.

Hair loss after stopping the pill

Less water retention and an increased libido are some of the benefits women enjoy after stopping the pill. However, there can also be disadvantages and you can temporarily lose your hair. Because the estrogen level drops because the artificially supplied hormones are absent. As a result, the hair that changes from the growth to the resting phase falls out more often. It can take about three to six months for your hormone balance to settle down again after weaning.

Treatment of hormonal hair loss

Losing hair? Really nobody wants to! Therefore, if you suspect that you are suffering from hormonal hair loss, you should seek medical help. There are several treatment options to stop the fallout. The blood pressure medication minoxidil is often prescribed by doctors. Doctors suspect that the blood and nutrient supply to the scalp and hair roots is improved due to the expanded blood vessels.

Can Female Hormones Help Against Hair Loss?

Hormone replacement therapy with estrogens and progestins may also be an option. However, this is controversial, since taking hormones can increase the risk of breast cancer or cardiovascular diseases.

Does chaste tree help against hormonal hair loss?

If you are looking for a natural and gentle hair loss remedy, chaste tree may be worth a try. The medicinal plant is known for relieving menstrual cramps, such as menstrual pain. Monk’s pepper can also help with hair loss. It has a positive effect on the hormonal balance and balances out the excess testosterone.

Is hormonal hair loss reversible?

Hair loss can last until the menopause ends. This means that you sometimes have to deal with hormonal hair loss for years. The good news is that your hair will recover afterwards.

How to curb hair loss?

In order for your hair follicles to be healthy and for normal hair growth, you should lead a healthy lifestyle. Therefore, make sure you eat a nutrient-rich diet and rely on vitamins such as vitamin C and minerals such as iron and selenium. Take good care of your hair: styling with a straightening iron or curling iron that is too hot can dry out your hair and make it brittle over time. Too frequent coloring is also not beneficial, as is daily hair washing that is too hot. This can lead to a dry scalp, which can also promote hair loss.

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