How to relieve period pain

by time news

2023-05-08 14:42:28

Women’s health is a broad field that deals with various aspects related to a woman’s body and her mental well-being. Under this field are biological, mental and social aspects related to the physical condition and age of the woman. Within the general concept of health, women have additional parameters linked to the female body and fertility, including various tests, some periodic and others related to age and physical condition.

Recommended tests for women

  • After receiving the menstrual cycle, there are the farm girls Dysmenorrhea The causes of damage to normal functioning on or before those menstrual days. Some women have these pains with them for many years, others even report nausea and headaches during the menstrual days and find it difficult to function. to the question that arises among many women How to relieve period pain There are several options, some of which require a referral and examination by a gynecologist. You can use painkillers and in other cases you can consult a gynecologist and start taking birth control pills, which provide significant pain relief by reducing the contractions and swelling of the endometrium.
  • A mammogram is an imaging (x-ray) of the breast tissue and is designed to detect breast cancer and lesions as early as possible. The test is done using a mammography device that takes pictures of the breast tissue in order to detect lumps if there are any, even those that cannot be felt with a manual test. Sometimes it is even recommended to perform an ultrasound examination at the same time, to get a complete picture in cases of a dense breast structure or if there is a need for it. A mammogram examination is recommended for women over the age of 50 once every two years, unless the doctor determines otherwise based on the family medical history and other data and a mammogram referral can be requested even at earlier ages. In cases where suspicious findings are discovered, the doctor may refer you for a biopsy.
  • The bone density test (osteoporosis) is designed to detect a process of bone tissue thinning resulting from calcium leakage, so that the bones of the skeleton gradually lose their density, a situation that may lead to damage manifested in fractures in the femoral neck, wrist and spine. Early diagnosis of the process can help stop it and provide appropriate treatment. The test is performed with non-invasive technology (DXA) using an X-ray device that measures the level of bone density in certain places of the body and a general assessment. The technique is based on the transmission of light particles without radiation and examining the amount of particles (photons) that manage to pass through the bone. The better the bone density, the fewer photons manage to pass through it. Women over the age of 60 are referred for testing, unless there are additional criteria that require diagnosis at an earlier age.
  • General screening tests including EKG, blood tests and blood pressure are designed to check various data. An EKG is designed to locate risk factors, including atherosclerosis in the heart resulting from narrowing of arteries due to damage to the inner wall of the coronary arteries. This disease is the main cause of morbidity and even mortality in the Western world and it is possible to detect failures and save lives by testing. Arteriosclerosis is caused by the accumulation of fat and cholesterol on the walls of the arteries, which causes their narrowing and damage to blood flow. In most cases the disease is not accompanied by early signs, but can cause various symptoms.
  • Pap test and ultrasound at a gynecologist periodically. A pap smear is designed to detect signs of the presence of cancer cells in the cervix and to prevent disease and is recommended to be performed once every two years, unless there is a family medical history. The surface is taken from the cervix by a gynecologist, sent to the laboratory and after about two weeks an answer is received. A periodic gynecological ultrasound makes it possible to see the pelvic organs, locate cysts in the ovaries, track fibroids and check complaints related to menstruation, this is in addition to tests during pregnancy for pregnant women.

Photo credit: pexels

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