Indigenous organizations recognize election of Guillermo Churuchumbi; point to an alleged conflict of interest of the Pachakutik Electoral Tribunal

by time news

2023-05-08 22:30:35

Indigenous organizations accuse members of the PK Electoral Tribunal of having conflicts of interest. Photo: Conaie

During this May 8, 2023, several indigenous organizations have spoken out to recognize and support Guillermo Churuchumbi as elected national coordinator of Pachakutik (PK)despite the fact that the Electoral Tribunal of that political organization resolved to call new elections for the middle of this month.

In a statement signed by Jairo Cantincusas president of the Confederation of Nationalities and Indigenous Peoples of Vista (Conaice), the organization says it respects the election process developed on April 29 in Puyo. That day she proclaimed herself the winner of the A list, headed by Churuchumbi for PK coordinator, amid shouts and discontent from adherents who do not support him.

They point out that the PK political actors have particular interests and want to take the politic party. Demand that Cecilia Velasque, outgoing PK national sub-coordinator, be dismissed. They hold him responsible as “the main architect of the catastrophe of the PK movement and its relationship with the bases.”

He proposes that the members of the PK bench that they are immersed in alleged acts of corruption, but at the same time makes a call to reach consensus and strengthen the political organization.

Jessica Castillovice president of the PK National Electoral Tribunal (TNE), said on May 5 that this week the members will meet, even if the president does not attend Marcelo Tipanto define the electoral calendar and that the highest body that has the power to decide who will occupy the position of the National Coordination is the TEN.

They argue conflict of interest

But the Conaie Amazon region, the Confeniarecognizes the X PK Congress, held on April 29, as the only legal and legitimate decision-making body for the election.

It points out that the members of the TEN that issued the resolution to call new elections, which was not signed by Tipán, have conflicts of interest to favor list B, headed by And veils. He mentions that this list is made up of a Castillo brother; that palmyra paredes she was secretary of the TEN and is the one who filed the challenge against the election of Churuchumbi as she was a candidate for the sub-coordination of list B; and that assemblyman Rafael Lucero, member of the TEN, has a partial position because he is a candidate from list B.

Under these arguments, the Confeniae demands that the suffrage of April 29 be respected.

For her part, the Confederation of the Chimborazo Indigenous Movement (Comich) He accuses that the challenge from the Velasque list is “sponsored by the Government” and ignores any resolution issued by the TEN led by Castillo. He also points out that the vice president and Lucero have a conflict of interest.

In another document, the Confederation of Organizations of Indigenous Peoples of Quito (Coiq) and the Kitu Kara People stated that for years they have waited for a change in the leadership of PK so that there is “clear coordination and articulation” with the organizational structures at different levels. They consider that with the outgoing coordination of Marlon Santo and Velasque there was a “political loss.”

The Confederation of Organizations and Nationalities of Ecuador in the United States (Coneusa) He expressed in his statement, in relation to Velasque, that “the continuismo candidate arranged everything in her favor by ensuring the confirmation of the provincial delegations through the partisan structure that she herself coordinates.”

For this reason, it confirms that the chosen coordinator is Churuchumbi, outgoing mayor of Cayambe, who ran for the Pichincha Prefecture, but did not reach the necessary votes in February 2023.

Churuchumbi hopes that the National Electoral Council acknowledge your choice to be possessed.

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