Spotify reveals: This is the song that Israelis liked the most this year

by time news

The most balanced playlist this year was Israel’s biggest hits, in second place a new Mediterranean, and in third place happy hits. Spotify data also shows that Omar Adam is the undisputed singer of the year for ages 0-44. On the other hand, among those aged 45 and over, the most played singer, unsurprisingly, is Shlomo Artzi. Among the 0-24 age group, the most listened song is “Grow Me A Little Beard” by Eden Hasson, “Crazy House” by Ran Danker is the most popular song among 25-44 year olds, “Shards” by Raviv Kenner captured the ages 45-54 and ” If You Will ‘by Hanan Ben Ari is the most played song among people aged 55 and over.

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A surprising statistic that Spotify presents is the presence of the word “vaccines” in the content of the app, a word that occupied the whole world and reached Spotify as well. The data show that this year more than 321,500 playlists have been created with the word Vaccines in their title. The search for these playlists on Spotify resulted in more than 42 million streams of various songs.

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