Looking at the scene where the TV broke and the dishes were broken on the floor, I took the baby and left to go home

by time news

2023-05-09 08:02:00


When my husband is normal, he is also good, also loves his wife and children. But when he got a little yeasty and angry, he turned into a different person: brute force, brusque, ready to smash things and hurt his wife. After he calmed down, he apologized again in tears, promised to change, and stopped drinking again for a while.

Last year, during an argument, my husband slapped me. But as soon as he finished slapping his wife, he was startled and knelt down to apologize to me, begging me not to leave him. It can be said that my husband is like a multi-personality person, living with him, my mood is always restless. But because of my children, I don’t want to break up, so I’m always gentle and sweet in the hope of changing him.

After that period, my husband knew how to live better, his temper was also more peaceful. Until he was fired, unemployed for 2 months now. Knowing that my husband quits work, my spirit is not comfortable, so I am always happy, never dare to speak harshly to my husband. Spending is tight because my salary is just over 10 million/month, which is not enough. Last month, I also had to borrow money from my mother to pay for my children’s schooling.

My husband stayed at home, at first, he also cleaned the house, cooked, and picked up the children. Lately, I’ve been gathering with friends all the time at a coffee shop. I came home from work tired and had to cook and clean the house. With both work pressure and money pressure, my husband doesn’t know how to help his wife, so my spirit is always tense.

Last night, I advised my husband to apply for a job or at least help me with errands like cooking and washing. Because I was angry, I raised my voice to my husband. I haven’t finished speaking yet, my husband angrily overturned the tray of rice I was eating, and scolded me for being dependent on working to earn money, so I despised him.

My husband’s attitude made me even more dissatisfied, so I quietly picked up the small child and led the older child into the room, not bothering to argue anymore. I thought that if I was silent, my husband would know what to do and behave properly with his wife and children. But no, this morning, my husband still kept a scowl on his face, not bothering to ask about our little daughter.

I hug to go to work. At 5 p.m., the homeroom teacher called to tell me to come to school to pick up my children, and the more I understood her husband’s indifference. Running back and forth to pick up 2 children at 2 different schools (1 elementary school, 1 kindergarten), as soon as I opened the door to the house, I was stunned because the TV screen was smashed on the floor. Surrounded by broken dishes and the tray of rice from last night has not been cleaned.

This time, I couldn’t accept it anymore, so I brought my two children back to my grandmother. At 8 pm, my husband came to apologize and pick up my mother and daughter, but I was determined not to return. Maybe I’ll file for divorce because I can’t live with an irresponsible, violent man like him anymore. But looking at my two children sleeping soundly, I was heartbroken and felt like a terrible mother. What should I do?

#scene #broke #dishes #broken #floor #baby #left #home

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