“9 Effective Ways to Help Your Child Stop Thumb Sucking”

by time news

2023-05-09 11:29:06

Does your toddler suck his thumb all day long? And would you like to find a way to help your child get rid of thumbs? Without threatening to chop off his thumbs… We might have a few ideas for you to make thumb unlearning go smoothly.

Some parents have an ultrasound of their baby, which already shows the first signs of thumbs in black and white. An ultrasound scan of a baby with a thumb in his mouth. Thumbs in the uterus can be observed from about the 16th week of pregnancy. So it’s really true that some babies start thumbing while they’re still in their mother’s womb. This is because thumbing is a natural reflex that can be developed in the womb.

Not all babies start with thumbs in the womb. Some little ones don’t start showing thumbs until after birth.

Whenever your child starts it, thumbs up is a common habit among young children. Especially in babies and toddlers. It’s a way to calm and comfort oneself. It’s easy for most kids to find a way to stop. But for some children, thumbing, and especially thumb unlearning, can become a problem.

Why children thumbs up

There are several ways to help a child get rid of thumbs. But let’s start with the question of why children thumb. For babies and toddlers, thumb sucking is a way to self-soothe and find comfort. Sucking their thumb is one natural reflex who have babies. They don’t have many other ways to express their emotions yet and thumbs up is a natural response. It is also a way to relax and fall asleep. As children grow older, thumbing can become a habit, a kind of reflex that they use to self-soothe without being aware of it.

Long-term effects

Of course there are long-term effects. First, thumbs can lead to dental problems. Constant sucking on the thumb can affect the position of the teeth, causing them to grow crooked or stand out. This can later cause problems with the teeth, which in turn require treatment.

In addition, thumbing can also affect the child’s speech development. Thumbing hinders the development of the muscles necessary for speaking, which causes speech problems. Long-term thumbs can also lead to irritation and infections due to the constant moisture around the thumb.

Unlearning the thumbs

In short, there are really detrimental effects in the long term and that is why it is good to teach your child to stop thumbing as soon as possible.

Here are 9 ways to help your child get rid of their thumbs. You can decide for yourself what suits you and your little one best. It is useful to keep in mind that unlearning thumbs is a process and that it will not happen overnight. Patience and positive encouragement will certainly help with this.

1. Duimspalk

Unlearning thumbs is easiest by ‘changing’ the thumb. This can be done, for example, with a thumb splint. A thumb splint is actually more of a cover that is worn over the thumb and prevents the child from thumbing.

2. Gloves or mitts

Gloves or mitts is a bit more rigorous way than a thumb gaiter, but the idea is of course the same. Because your child wears gloves or mittens, it prevents him from thumbing.

3. Bandage or plaster

Another simple way to help your child get rid of thumbs is to put a patch on your child’s thumb. This of course works just like the thumb splint, gloves or mitts. It is no longer pleasant for your child to put his thumb in his mouth. The disadvantage of these ways is that your child can easily remove it from his thumb.

4. Bitter nail polish

There is special bitter nail polish on the market which is mainly used to prevent nail biting, but it also helps to get your child off thumbs. Then apply only the bitter nail polish to the thumb to discourage the child from thumbing. The advantage is that this is not easy for your child to remove.

5. Thumb sucking stop teat

Preventing starting with thumbs is easier than unlearning thumbs. This is something you should do as soon as possible when you notice that your little one is a thumber. You can quickly put a pacifier in it every time your baby looks for his thumb. The disadvantage is of course that your little one gets used to a pacifier.

6. Talk to your child

When your child is old enough to understand, you can talk to him. Explain why it is important to stop thumbing and how it can affect their teeth and mouth.

7. Reward or distract

Reward the child when it doesn’t thumb, for example by giving compliments or small gifts. And offer toys or activities to distract the child from thumbing.

8. Stress ball

If your child is thumbing because of anxiety or stress, giving them a stress ball or something similar to squeeze may help.

9. Remind and repeat

Place reminders in the child’s view, such as a note on the door or mirror, to remind them to stop thumbing. And like so many things in parenting, it’s repeat, repeat, repeat.

If it all doesn’t work and your child is having a hard time stopping thumbing, it may be helpful to seek professional help.

Images: Shutterstock

#Unlearn #thumbs #ways #child #rid #thumbs

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