Risk of diplomatic accident between Belgium and France, fault of a farmer

by time news

A Belgian farmer has moved the border between his country and France to facilitate a maneuver with the tractor: no diplomatic incidents, at least for now

Due to an overly enterprising farmer, tensions could arise between France and Belgium. The cause of the possible diplomatic incident arises from the fact that the Belgian agricultural worker moved the border that divides the two countries between the localities of Bousignies (France) and Montignies (Belgium) by 2 meters and 29 centimeters because the stone that marks the demarcation prevented him from making a maneuver with the tractor. In essence, the farmer has “invaded” France. The discovery of the modification to the border was made by a local history buff walking in the local woods.

Farmer moves the border between France and Belgium to maneuver with the tractor

The curious story of the Belgian factor did not actually lead to any particular consequence or diplomatic incident, on the contrary, the two countries commented on the issue with a certain irony. “It made Belgium bigger and France smaller, it’s not a good idea. – David Lavaux, the mayor of the village of Erquelinnes, Belgium, commented on the French TV channel TF1 – I was happy, my city was bigger but the mayor of Bousignies-sur-Roc did not agree “.

The border between France and Belgium was established with the Treaty of Kortrijk of in 1820 and has not been changed since. The Belgian authorities have asked the farmer to put the signal stone back in its original position but if this does not happen the foreign minister could convene a Franco-Belgian border commission which has not met since 1930.

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