Marcello Mastroianni, 25 years without the actor who is the symbol of Italian cinema: his debut as an extra at 15, loves, 10 secrets about him

by time news

«I experience the profession of the actor as a wonderful game. Acting is almost better than making love because it is intoxicating to take on someone else’s features, attitudes and psychologies. That’s what children do. It is the oldest game. It’s the first game we make up when we pretend we’re the cop, I’m the gangster. I hide there, you do this. And one believes it ». Twenty-five years ago, on December 19, 1996, he died in Paris Marcello Mastroianni. The passion that the actor, among the legends of Italian cinema, put into his profession was so strong that he acted almost to his last breath, among the posthumously released film «Journey to the beginning of the world» by Manoel de Oliveira, the self-confession edited by his latest partner Anna Maria Tatò “Marcello Mastroianni – I remember, yes, I remember” (considered by many to be his spiritual testament) and the play “The last moons”. Final acts of a long and extraordinary career that began in the years of the Second World War.

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