How can hearing aids significantly improve our hearing?

by time news

2023-05-10 21:50:47

What should you do before choosing a hearing aid?

First, it should be clarified that not every decrease in the quality of hearing needs to be solved by a hearing aid of one kind or another. There are cases where the problem can be solved simply, such as professional ear cleaning. The ear has a rather miraculous mechanism that knows how to clean itself. At the same time, sometimes the accumulation of dirt, wax or improper self-washing causes a “plug” in the ears. Professional cleaning can be done by a device for extracting the wax or by a strong stream of water aimed at the right place. If the cleaning did not solve the problem, it is certainly possible that there is a decrease in hearing andhearing aid They will bring with them the long-awaited improvement.

How hearing aids actually work

The technology of treating hearing problems using dedicated devices is not a new invention. Electric devices for hearing correction existed years ago, but the technological improvements of the information and computer age did bring about a revolution in the field. Still, the basic principle of the devices as a tool for hearing correction, can be described in a way that everyone can understand. These are devices that are basically designed to act like a tiny speaker. They are able to collect the different sounds, amplify them and then send them to be decoded in the brain, through the nervous system and the auditory nerve. A system of tiny microphones picks up the sounds, which are processed into a numerical (digital) code. Depending on the type of device and according to its desired tuning (and of course depending on the nature and severity of the hearing impairment), the received sounds are transmitted further in an amplified form, by a tiny amplifier and speakers.

Do you hear noises? The hearing aids will filter

There are people with hearing impairment who feel that they hear certain noises, in a way that prevents them from understanding what is being said to them. Well, the modern hearing aids solve very well the problem of hearing noises coming from the background. A large part of the devices know how to filter background noises and even neutralize wind noises and voices from the environment. That is, even on a busy street or at a party or family event, you can talk and listen freely to other people. Please note that not all devices are equipped with this type of high capacity. But there are those who excel in this and even contain additional inclusions. For example, an interface with cellular devices, direct hearing from an external sound system, and more.

Custom made devices

As mentioned, there are many factors that can cause hearing impairment. The level of hearing loss can be diagnosed in hearing centers or accompanied by a speech pathologist. After that, you can use the customized hearing aids, from a variety of types. Good to know:

  • There are devices so tiny, perfectly hidden inside the ear canal.
  • For those with a very significant hearing loss, an in-the-ear device may bring the best solution, even though it is not fully hidden.
  • Devices that are placed behind the ear may have improved power and are very easy to use and operate.
  • There are external models, where the speaker is placed inside the ear canal. Today there are tiny devices of this type and they correct even a hearing impairment of a very high degree of severity.
  • In some new devices, there is the ability to charge the device. That is, you save the trouble of changing batteries. It is very easy and convenient, very ideal for the golden age.

#hearing #aids #significantly #improve #hearing

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