The Spaniards change the diesel car for the hybrid and are not interested in the electric

by time news

2023-05-11 00:27:20

Far behind in time is the golden age of diesel cars in Spain. In 2016, its sales exceeded 56% of the total, with models in all segments and categories, even in small urban ones, which registered very frugal consumption and were very profitable due to the low price of diesel. Things have changed. The access restrictions to the Low Emission Zones together with a lower offer has relegated this type of vehicle in the sales lists, despite the fact that the current diesel-engined cars have the C (green) badge of the DGT, the same than those with a gasoline engine.

Already in 2022, diesel-powered vehicles represented around 17% of total registrations, while the increase in sales of alternative energy cars is noted.

Thus, hybrids and plug-in hybrids (PHEV) occupy the second and third position in the purchase preferences of Spaniards, according to the study “Mobility preferences and purchase trends 2023” presented yesterday by Faconauto, the dealers’ employers’ association, in collaboration with the consulting firm PwC Spain. The pure electric vehicle (BEV) is relegated to a last place. 69% of those surveyed consider the Moves incentive plans for the purchase of electric cars to be little or not effective at all.

The main barrier to accessing a purely electric vehicle is the high cost of its acquisition, followed by other factors such as autonomy, the absence of charging stations or aid for its purchase, and the scarce charging infrastructure. 60% of those surveyed consider the current Moves programs to help purchase alternative vehicles or install charging points “not at all or ineffective”.

The profile of women between 18-29 years old stands out for having a 100% electric vehicle as their first preference.

The private and gasoline vehicle is the preferred mobility option among Spaniards. Virtually all those surveyed (95%) consider the private vehicle a “relevant/very relevant” mobility option. For half it is public transport (53%), as well as taxi-VTC services (51%).

On the other hand, the new mobility options, such as the subscription car (15%), micromobility (14%) -which includes scooters, bikes, etc.- or carsharing (13%), evolve more slowly.

Purchasing process

Regarding the purchase process, the criteria most taken into account when opting for one model or another are the price, which continues to be the main criterion, followed by the safety systems that the vehicle incorporates and by its autonomy/consumption in third place. The sustainability criterion occupies the last position.

93% of those surveyed stress the importance and role that dealers play in the process of acquiring a new vehicle. In this way, this percentage sees it necessary to go to the physical establishment in their purchase process, while only 7% are in favor of carrying out said process 100% digitally. However, the online channel is the favorite for searching and prior information.

Survey on buying habits

How relevant do you consider the

following mobility options?

Do you have parking

private at home


micro mobility

considered as

scooters, bikes

electrical etc

how many kilometers does it run

daily by car?

Vehicle Type Preference

(last purchased vehicle)

(in case of buying now)

vehicle purchases

electrical in Spain

Reasons for dismissal

buying an electric car

(5 most relevant reason,

1 least relevant reason) Fuente: Faconauto & PwC Survey


survey on

shopping habits

Do you have parking

private at home


How relevant do you consider the

following mobility options?

micro mobility

considered as

scooters, bikes

electrical etc

how many kilometers does it run

daily by car?

Vehicle Type Preference


last purchase)

(in case of

buy now)

vehicle purchases

electrical in Spain

Reasons for dismissal

buying an electric car

(5 most relevant reason, 1 least relevant reason) Fuente:

Faconauto & PwC survey


More than half of the buyers affirm that they visit two or more establishments before formalizing the operation, and they compare between two or more brands. This trend is greater in older profiles, between 30 and 50 years or older. In addition, what users value most about visiting the dealer is being able to see the vehicle (81%), test it (69%), as well as other aspects such as obtaining clear and direct information on the characteristics and operation of the vehicle itself.

#Spaniards #change #diesel #car #hybrid #interested #electric

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