Drag queen invited to Munich library to read books to children – DW – 05/10/2023

by time news

2023-05-10 14:38:00

For several days now, the attention of the leading German media and the public has been riveted to the city library in Munich. The reason was announcement of the program for June, where families with young children are invited on a journey into “colorful worlds” where, as the library’s website puts it, “regardless of gender, we can do anything if we stay true to our dreams.” Guest speakers include drag queen Vicky Voyage, drag king Eric Big Clit and young trance author Julana Gleisenberg.

Scandal in the library

The event is planned to discuss a variety of topics, heroes and heroines: from boys in dresses, independent princesses, blue and pink colors – to the knowledge of one’s own freedom.

After the hype began, the library’s press service released a statement saying that “the program is diverse, because it was created for society in all its diversity.” And this particular event is intended for families with children from four years old, who will be presented with books that are appropriate for their age. “We regret that the stage names of the artists involved gave the erroneous impression that this is an adult program. This was not our intention,” lament the library.

Mayor of Munich Dieter ReiterФото: Sachelle Babbar/ZUMAPRESS/picture alliance

Meanwhile, the struggle of opinions unfolded in the political arena. The mayor of Munich, Dieter Reiter, initially criticized the event and said that he “would not go there with my grandchildren.” However, he later apologized. “I could not imagine and I regret that my statement would have such an impact and offend someone,” he explained. “The fact that my words are now being used by right-wing radicals as confirmation of the condemnation of the LGBTIQ * community is absurd. Participation in the event is voluntary, and parents can decide for themselves whether they want to go there with their children or not.”

The general secretary of the CSU party, Martin Huber, opposes such readings. “Four-year-olds should play with blocks, plasticine or build sand castles,” he wrote on his Twitter account. “Just let kids be kids.”

Points for and against”

Child and youth psychotherapist Christian Lüdke agrees with him. “Psychologically, children under 10 are interested in dad, mom, games and friends. And it’s not until 11 or 12, when puberty starts, that they encounter gender identity. It’s an important topic, but it’s not for four-year-olds,” – said the psychologist to the German tabloid Bild.

The participants of the upcoming event were extremely surprised by such a negative reaction. “I don’t understand why everyone is so worried about people in disguise reading books to kids,” says drag king Eric Big Klit, whose real name is Alice Moe Möschl.

Travesty diva Vicki Voyage
Travesty diva Vicki Voyage Photo: Vicky Voyage/dpa/picture alliance

Artist Vicki Voyage (real name – Markus Weiss) assures that it will be “not about sexuality, but about identity and diversity. About every child being who they want to be.” Despite the emotional discussion, he remains calm: “I am focused on my daily life and do not waste time reading negative comments.”

Representatives of the Left Party and the Soyuz-90/Greens supported the guest readers, calling the criticism “unprofessional ultra-right propaganda.”

“Library Wars”

In neighboring Austria, book readings to children performed by drag queens also sparked media reactions. Psychologist and executive director of the Austrian League for the Health of Children and Youth Caroline Culen in an interview with the Austrian media assured that adults themselves perceive the drag artist through the prism of sexuality: “It is important to look at them through the eyes of children. For a child, they are made up and colorfully dressed people. That children could be traumatized by such an event, I find it unlikely.”

The so-called “library wars” between supporters and opponents of children’s activities involving drag artists have long been known in the UK and the US. This term first appeared on the pages of the American magazine “The New Yorker” to refer to a new form of cultural confrontation.

In the US, drag readings are always accompanied by protests. For example, in December last year, conservative activists unsuccessfully tried to prevent the reading of a children’s book performed by a drag queen in a branch of the New York Public Library. The event, accompanied by threats of violence against the speaker, was part of the “Drag Story Hour” program launched in 2015.

See also:

#Drag #queen #invited #Munich #library #read #books #children

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1 comment

Karel May 14, 2023 - 1:39 am

This is botom of our culture, wokes indoctrinates our kids…


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