What is progressive overload to increase muscle: learn how to do it to show off a great body

by time news

2023-05-11 00:14:15

gain muscle It is a process that takes time, it takes a lot of constancy, discipline and the desire to transform the silhouette to notice results, but the progressive loading is key to increase muscle. Discover what is progressive overload and how to include her work out If you want to look tremendous ‘great body’.

Include weight to your exercise routine is essential to create muscle endurance, the ability of muscles to exert force continuously in each movement, to recover in rest periods to increase its volume, the greater muscle endurancegreater number of repetitions per circuit.

What is progressive overload?

The progressive overload is the need to gradually increase the intensity, duration, or frequency of exercise to improve muscle strength, endurance, and muscle composition to gain muscle massthat is, to grow a group of muscles to improve the body aesthetics.

What is progressive overload to increase muscle / Photo: iStock

According to an article published by the National Library of Medicinethe progressive overload subject the body to greater physical effort to achieve a physiological adaptation in which surprising changes can be noticed in the physical performance.

Maybe you know someone who has been training in the gym for months or years, maintaining the same physical appearance and strength level Because you train with the same weight, you don’t challenge your body to work harder to expand its muscle, how would the progressive overload.

The progressive overload It can happen in four ways:

  • Increasing the intensity: it consists of lifting more weight in the following repetitions of the exercise.
  • Increasing the volume: more repetitions or series of exercise are performed to work a muscle group.
  • Increasing the frequency: more workouts are performed than in a previous week.
  • Increasing the tension: the tension is prolonged within an exercise, for example, if you perform hip thrust to increase the glutes and do four sets of 12 repetitions, in the last set do 15 repetitions and try to hold the weight for 3 to 5 seconds to exert tension.

What is progressive overload to increase muscle / Photo: iStock

What happens if I do progressive overload?

Do progressive overload will not only help you increase muscle massIt also has the following benefits:

progressive overload increases the muscular strength: By gradually challenging the muscles of the body with a heavier, but bearable weight or more repetitions, growth is stimulated and strengthening muscles for greater muscle strength.

progressive overload improves the cardiovascular resistance: By gradually increasing the duration or intensity of cardiovascular exercise, it is possible to improve the ability of the heart and lungs to deliver oxygen and nutrients to our muscles, in turn, we generate greater cardiovascular endurance.

What is progressive overload to increase muscle / Photo: iStock

progressive overload reduce to body fat: Believe it or not, progressive overload helps increase muscle mass, but also strength. metabolic rate to reduce body fat at the same time. It’s a 2 in 1! Make your effort worth it.

progressive overload Helps Injury Prevention: By gradually increasing the workload, the body is allowed to adapt and gradually get stronger, which can reduce the risk of developing injuries.

progressive overload increases bone density: progressive overload can increase bone density, preventing osteoporosis and the risk of fractures.

What is progressive overload to increase muscle / Photo: iStock

progressive overload Improved Self-Esteem & Confidence: Just As You Read It! Something as simple as gradually increasing the weight in your workouts can make all the difference, as it is possible to feel more confident and positive about the results, improving self-esteem and confidence.

How many series do you have to do to gain muscle mass?

Although there is no specific series number for gain muscle masssince this will depend on the objectives of your training or level of physical conditiontrainers recommend performing about three to four sets with a range of 12 to 15 exercise repetitions to promote muscle growth.

You already know, if you recently signed up for the gym to show off a great body, remember that the most important thing is to make a progressive overload every two weeks so that this effort and hours of training are worth it, we will explain how it is done below. Apply yourself with this and I assure you that you will appreciate the tip.

Week 1: If you lift 20 pound weights in the first week, do about four sets of eight reps.

Week 2: Keep lifting 20 pounds, but now you’ll do four sets of 12 reps.

What is progressive overload to increase muscle / Photo: iStock

Week 3: When your muscles get used to lifting that weight easily, add five more pounds than you lift, but return to four sets of eight repetitions.

Week 4: lift your 12 kilos of weight and perform four sets of 12 repetitions, the following week you must increase another two kilos in weight until each time you resist the progressive overload.

How can you realize perform progressive overload in your exercise workouts it is basic to notice surprising results in your ‘hourglass’ silhouette. Do not give up!

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If you want to know What is the exercise that is equivalent to doing a thousand sit-ups?Stay tuned for the next video.

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