the scents that attract and those that repel –

by time news

2023-05-11 07:08:22

The combination between the fragrance of the detergent and the personal physiological smell can condition the predilection or otherwise of the mosquitoes towards us

Why do some people attract mosquitoes more than others? There are many hypotheses and theories. According to a study by researchers at Virginia Tech (USA) published in the journal iScience the preference could also be influenced by the washing with some soaps rather than with others, but to count more would be the type of interaction that takes place between the scent of the soap and the natural smell of the user. Everyone smells different, even after using a soap. In addition to the physiological aspect, various factors influence the creation of personal smell: the way we live, the environment we live in, what we eat.

Nectar and blood

Mosquitoes don’t just feed on blood – in fact, their main food source is plant nectar – so spray perfumes of vegetable origin or who imitate theA plant fragrance could confuse their decision making. To explore the relationship between soaps and attraction to mosquitoes, researchers characterized the odors emitted by four volunteers, before and after cleansing with four different brands of soap and determined the olfactory profiles of the soaps themselves. The team found that each of the volunteers emitted their own unique odor profiles, some of which were more attractive to mosquitoes. But washing with soap changed these odor profiles significantly. Next, the researchers compared each volunteer’s attractiveness to mosquitoes Temples of the Egyptians before and after an hour after using the different soaps.

He tests

Since the male mosquitoes they feed exclusively on nectar not females only of blood after mating, the researchers tested attraction to recently mated adult female mosquitoes only, excluding the effects of exhaled carbon dioxide (CO 2 ) – another important signal for mosquitoes – by conducting preference tests mosquitoes on fabrics that had absorbed the odors of the human volunteer.

Soap washing actually had an impact on the mosquitoes’ preferences, which differed between soap types and volunteers. Wash with two of the soap brands tested has increased theattractiveness of some volunteers (but not all), while washing with another brand worked as a repellent. To identify the specific ingredients that attract and repel mosquitoes, researchers analyzed the chemical compositions of different soaps, identifying four chemicals associated with attraction e three substances to repulsion and combined them to create and test blends of attractive and repulsive odors, which had a major impact on mosquito preferences. I would choose soap coconut scent if you wanted to reduce the attraction of mosquitoes said neuroethologist Clment Vinauger, lead author of the study. Some of the soaps contained a chemical called limonene than a well-known mosquito repellent, but despite being the main chemical in four soaps tested, three of them increased the attraction of mosquitoes.

So the conclusion for now is that the type of soap you use can actually help repel or attract mosquitoes, but the type of combination that is created with the natural smell of the user matters a lota, however the researchers intend to further the search to find some patterns or general rules by testing more varieties of soap on more people.

May 11, 2023 (change May 11, 2023 | 07:07)

#scents #attract #repel

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