“Include More Fruits and Vegetables in Your Diet for Successful Weight Loss: Common Mistakes to Avoid”

by time news

2023-05-12 08:42:11

If you want to lose weight, you should include as many fruits and vegetables as possible in your diet. Some varieties are even healthier raw than cooked.

Vegetables and fruit are the main components of a healthy diet. Fresh food contains many valuable vitamins, minerals and roughage. And can even at Lose weight support, like that through celerycucumbers, carrots and ginger and lemons with peel is possible. However, some varieties are particularly sensitive to heat. While cooking, Bake and roasts, many of the nutrients contained can be lost. In contrast to heated foods, raw foods provide the body with all the vitamins, enzymes and minerals it can use. Raw food can also help to relieve indigestion and curb your appetite. The dietary fiber it contains helps the body to stimulate intestinal function and to get full faster. There are actually varieties that are better eaten raw.

If losing weight doesn’t work: ten mistakes you should avoid

Mistake 1 – not enough sleep: If you want to get slim and lose weight, you should make sure you get enough sleep during a diet or change in diet. Because for an intact metabolism, the human body needs enough rest to lose weight. If you don’t sleep enough, your body releases the stress hormone cortisol. The consequences of this can be food cravings, slower muscle growth and slower fat loss. © AntonioGuillem/IMAGO
Man is out of breath doing sports
Mistake 2 – wrong sport: Exercise and sport are part of a healthy lifestyle and can also help you lose weight. However, you should make sure that you are doing the right sport. Studies have shown that it is not endurance sports that burn fat most successfully, but that strength training is a better way to lose weight. One of the reasons for this is that building muscle mass boosts the metabolism. However, a combination of strength and endurance sports is ideal. © McPHOTO/B. Leitner/IMAGO
Person rises on scales
Mistake 3 – only rely on the scales: If you want to lose weight, you should check your weight again and again. This is the only way to finally recognize whether you are on the right path and are already getting closer to your goal. It can spur you on or show you that you may need to improve your diet or exercise more. However, it is also important not to take every pound too seriously and not to weigh yourself every day. Because there are days when the scale shows more due to changes in fluid balance or muscle mass, for example. However, this does not always mean a setback. In addition to weight, waist circumference, for example, is also a key indicator of weight loss and should therefore also be measured regularly. © Andrew Danchuk/IMAGO
nutritional table
Mistake 4 – Not checking nutritional information: Most of the time, we have an idea of ​​how healthy a food is. However, this does not always correspond to reality. In order for weight loss to work, you should therefore check the nutritional value table and list of ingredients before buying any products. This is how you prevent a calorie bomb with hidden calories from ending up in your shopping cart. © agefotostock/IMAGO
Exhausted woman lying on a treadmill
Mistake 5 – inappropriate calorie deficit: If you want to lose weight, you should ensure a suitable calorie deficit. You should not take in too many, but also not too few calories. Because if you have too much of a calorie deficit, your body is missing important nutrients. This can lead to tiredness and exhaustion, among other things. The body also produces hardly any energy and eventually falls back on energy reserves such as fat and muscle mass. In addition, the metabolism is slowed down. © NomadSoul/IMAGO
pieces of meat
Mistake 6 – too much fat on a low-carb diet: A low-carb diet can lead to reduced appetite, which means fewer calories are consumed. However, it often happens that too much fat is eaten. However, this can reduce customer success. In order to keep the balance, you should therefore pay attention to the fat content of the food. The German Society for Nutrition (DGE) recommends an adult daily about 0.8 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight, with one gram of protein having an energy content of about four kilocalories. © Imaginechina-Tuchong/IMAGO
Salmon in a pan
Mistake 7 – not enough protein: Protein is filling and at the same time stimulates the metabolism. Therefore, when losing weight, there should be a protein-rich food on the plate at every meal so that the weight reduction works. Fish, eggs, low-fat quark, oatmeal, almonds and pumpkin seeds, for example, are among the high-protein products. © Wavebreak Media Ltd/IMAGO
Whole grain bread
Mistake 8 – too little fiber: If you want to lose weight, you should consume sufficient amounts of fiber, such as that found in wholemeal bread or legumes. Because they have many advantages: Due to their fat-splitting enzymes, the body absorbs less fat. They also allow blood sugar levels to rise slowly. As a result, you feel full longer and cravings stay away. © Dzinnik Darius/IMAGO
Two glasses with lemonade
Mistake 9 – drinks containing sugar: It is better to stay away from soft drinks such as lemonade, cola & Co. during a diet. The sugar it contains is an enemy when it comes to losing weight. It is even better to avoid fruit juices, as they also contain a large amount of natural sugar. Water and unsweetened tea are recommended in sufficient quantities instead. © Panthermedia/IMAGO
Woman holds hand to head
Mistake 10 – unrealistic expectations: Those who want to lose weight are often influenced by models on advertising posters or influencers on Instagram. However, such ideals of beauty cannot be achieved within a few weeks. Therefore, it is important that you look for realistic and individual goals for losing weight. Then it will work out in the long term with weight reduction and your own desired weight. © Wavebreak Media Ltd/IMAGO

This article only contains general information on the respective health topic and is therefore not intended for self-diagnosis, treatment or medication. In no way does it replace a visit to the doctor. Unfortunately, our editors are not allowed to answer individual questions about clinical pictures.

List of rubrics: © Westend61/Imago

#Lose #weight #ten #foods #eaten #raw

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