Worrying: The ultra-Orthodox’s problematic eating habits

by time news

Data from the Ministry of Health: The ultra-Orthodox public purchases sweet drinks at a rate of 79% compared to 51% in the general population • The Ministry of Health: Work to promote a comprehensive program to change dietary habits among the ultra-Orthodox population

The Ministry of Health publishes disturbing data regarding the consumption of harmful food and drink and the prevalence rates of diabetes among the ultra-Orthodox public. According to data from the Nutrition Division (according to the Brookdale survey), high consumption of harmful foods was found to be significantly higher among families in the ultra-Orthodox community compared to the general public.

For example, 78% of ultra-Orthodox households purchase sweet pastries, compared with 60% of the general public. 89% of ultra-Orthodox families buy sweet snacks compared to 74% in the general public. But above all in drinking habits, the ultra-Orthodox public leads in the purchase of sweet drinks at a rate of 79% compared to 51% in the general public.

It should be noted that an expenditure survey published by the Central Bureau of Statistics (CBS) found that an ultra-Orthodox family spends about NIS 90 a month on sugary drinks, compared to a family in the general public that spends about NIS 65 a month.

The situation is even more worrying when examining the data of the National Diabetes Registrar, which show that among the ultra-Orthodox public, diabetes rates are significantly higher than in the general Jewish public.

According to the data, the largest gap is at the age of 25-34, according to which a young ultra-Orthodox young person is 15 times more likely to develop diabetes than a young Jew of a non-ultra-Orthodox age.

The Ministry of Health notes that a systematic plan is currently being formulated that includes the recruitment of influential factors in the community, who, along with professionals, will help change existing social norms that charge a heavy health price, and stop the spread of diabetes in ultra-Orthodox society.

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