Election in Turkey: who is Kemal Kiliçdaroglu, the opponent who could overthrow Erdogan?

by time news

2023-05-12 12:36:41

End of reign for the “reis”? After 20 years in power, the indestructible Recep Tayyip Erdogan seems more than ever in danger. The fault of his rival Kemal Kiliçdaroglu, leader of an alliance of six opposition parties, that the polls give the winner a few days before the first round of the Turkish presidential election.

Among the two opponents of Erdogan, the 74-year-old stands out. Indeed, Kemal Kiliçdaroglu has been at the head since 2010 of the Republican People’s Party, the CHP, a secular and social-democratic party created in 1923 by the father of modern Turkey, Mustafa Kemal Atatürk.

100 years ago, the latter presented himself as the leader of secular progressives in the Turkish parliament to bring down the conservative group in favor of Sharia and the maintenance of the institution of the caliphate. All things considered, Kiliçdaroglu wishes to do the same by bringing down Erdogan, criticized for his authoritarian and Islamist excesses.

Since the earthquake last February, which weakened the current president, we often see him denouncing the corruption of the current government. A fact not really new, for the one who in 2008 entered into opposition with the AKP, Erdogan’s party in power since 2002, by denouncing corrupt practices.

The anti Erdogan

The head of the CHP, who signs each of his meetings by making the crowd a heart shape with his fingers, appears to be the anti-Erdogan in terms of personality. Long considered a character without charisma, he shows himself as a quiet force after a long career marked by many defeats.

“He has built an image that is the opposite of Erdogan, who is a restless, nervous character, who insults a lot and is very bling-bling. He has this image of a pacifist unifier and a modest man,” says Samim Akgönul, director of the Turkish studies department at the University of Strasbourg.

A temperament that earned him the nickname of “Turkish Gandhi”, especially after having signed a great coup by organizing a march for justice of more than 400 km, from Ankara to Istanbul, which he wanted non-partisan. A peaceful march joined by other groups, professional associations, unions or even supporters of the pro-Kurdish HDP party. “In addition to this peaceful resistance, there is a small physical resemblance,” laughs Samim Akgönul.

This former civil servant with the image of a reserved technocrat knew how to play on his weak charisma and his “normal candidate” side, facing the natural authority of Recep Tayyip Erdogan, to seduce part of the Turkish population. “He organized a show in his kitchen, with his coffee maker behind, to show that he is a man of the people”, analyzes the political scientist.

An image mounted for more than 20 years which finally seems to lead to a political result a few days before his first presidential election. Because, a few weeks ago, his appointment as leader of the coalition was far from obvious. “The mayors of Istanbul and Ankara were more likely, but he appeared to be the most unifying candidate before becoming essential”, notes Samim Akgönul.

One of the only ones able to rally the opposition

After his appointment, a party of the alliance had also slammed the door before returning. It must be said that this alliance brought together centrists, liberals, ultra-conservatives and nationalists. “He managed the feat of bringing together six political movements, while Turkish politics is a story of division,” he adds. Even his detractors grant him to be one of the only ones able to rally the opposition.

In addition, this center-left politician from a modest family was able to break a taboo by publicly evoking his membership of the Alevi minority, a religious current long persecuted in Turkey, in a country where most Muslims are Sunnis. An act hailed by opponents of Erdogan, including among conservatives.

A courageous step on the part of the man who promises to build “a Turkey in which a child will never go to bed hungry again”, in a difficult context where the country recorded record inflation of 85% last October.

By reaching out to veiled women, Kurds or even conservative nationalists, Kemal Kiliçdaroglu opens the door to more diversity in Turkey and above all, to the return of democracy.

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