Nurses, 65 thousand are missing. From Bergamo and Brescia the appeal for the relaunch of assistance –

by time news

2023-05-12 12:00:04

Of Maria Giovanna Faiella

Professionals (graduates) with salaries among the lowest in Europe. Dossier on the new figure of the family and community nurse (what he does and where to find him) on Courier on newsstands Sunday 14 May

Bergamo and Brescia, two symbolic places of the pandemic emergency: in these two cities, named Italian Capitals of Culture 2023, World Nurses Day is celebrated this year on May 12, the day of the birth of Florence Nightingale, founder of healthcare modern nursing. Under the slogan “The talent of nurses. Evolving art and science», chosen by the National Federation of Orders of Nursing Professions (Fnopi), will be held until May 14th a series of free cultural events (reservation required: information Who) included in the official program of «Bergamo Brescia Capitali della Cultura», to restore meaning to that difficult period and relaunch nursing care in Italy. Among other things, the new figure of the“Family and Community Nurse” introduced by Law no. 77/2020 for enhance local assistance (it is discussed in the Health pages of Corriere della Sera on newsstands Sunday 14 May or in Pdf on the Digital Edition).

Culture as cure

«Celebrating the 2023 edition of the international day in Bergamo and Brescia – says Barbara Mangiacavalli, president of Fnopi – has a particular meaningnot only for the human and professional value that these realities have demonstrated in the first impact phases of the pandemic on the country, but also because we intend Weld efforts for promote nursing in Italy at theCulture as a cure of the “Bergamo Brescia Capitale” project, emphasizing the lesser-known and more particular aspects linked to scientific knowledge, from its origins to future prospects».

The initiatives

Among the scheduled cultural events, organized by the Orders of Nursing Professions of Brescia and Bergamo in collaboration with Fnopi, and created with the artistic direction of the Soldano Foundation, there is the screening of the docufilm «Everywhere for the good of all» (who he trailer), Saturday 13 May at 10.30 in Bergamo, in the auditorium of the Papa Giovanni XXIII Hospital, in the presence of the director Gianluca Rame (nephew of Franca Rame and Dario Fo). In 2021 Fnopi organized for the first time an itinerant national congress in the area, to tell through the voice of the protagonists – and reward – the experiences of nursing excellencefrom north to south, which made it possible to guarantee theassistance even during the pandemic. Well «Everywhere for the good of all», produced by the National Federation of Nursing Orders in collaboration with Clipper Media, documents that “journey” towards the future.

Investing in staff

Are approximately 460,000 nurses who in Italy assist those who fall ill, in the hospital wards, in the Asl clinics, in the RSA-welfare residences, at home. For decades they have been transformed from “auxiliaries” (i.e. support personnel to other professional figures) into professionals with degrees, masters, research doctorates, who independently carry out activities aimed at prevention, treatment, rehabilitation and safeguarding individual health and collective, as established by the law 251/2000. But they receive one of the lowest salaries in Europe, on average 1,600 euros gross per month. According to the calculations of the Court of Auditors, a total of about 65-70 thousand nurses are missing. On the occasion of World Day, the National Federation of Nursing Professions calls once again the attention of the institutions to the need to invest in personnel, so as not to forget the “lesson” of these three years of the pandemic. Today, in fact, the work of a nurse is considered by young people to be extremely burdensome, as well as being low-paid and with no career outlets.

Psychological support lacking after the pandemic

From the Civic Report presented by Cittadinanzattiva which contains the results of a survey carried out with Fnopi and the National Federation of Orders of Medical Radiology Health Technicians, Technical Health Professions, Rehabilitation and Prevention, it appears that citizens recognize nurses as a landmark with respect to their health needs, but this fundamental function is not yet recognized by politics and institutions, nor by business organizations. More than 40% of the professionals interviewed (including nurses) declare that they have unsustainable workloads; one in three professionals has been the victim of assault in the past three years; almost 60 percent did not have access to psychological support, especially after the very hard test of the pandemic.

What do nurses ask?

To define the lines of change and professional development, Fnopi created in 2022 the General States of the profession and the Consensus Conference, which was attended by the major representatives of the Italian health system. THE results They were handed over to Parliament and the institutions to discuss and draw the lines of the development of the profession. According to the nurses, it is necessary by the way recover the attractiveness of the nursing profession for young people also focusing on the clinical, professional and cultural development of their profession. The request for a specialist clinical pathway it is hand in glove with the basic motivation of the celebration of May 12 in Brescia and Bergamo which, not surprisingly, has to do with culture.

May 12, 2023 (change May 12, 2023 | 12:02)

#Nurses #thousand #missing #Bergamo #Brescia #appeal #relaunch #assistance

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