Can Servants of God Become Satan Worshipers?

by time news

2023-05-12 19:06:25

A doubt that still persists in the minds of many Christians: can servants of God become worshipers of satan? The answer may not be easy, considering that it depends on differing theological views regarding soteriology, or the doctrine of salvation.

Calvinist theologians, for example, categorically state that no, while Arminians believe that yes, because every Christian would be subject to “straying” from the faith, no matter how faithful he is or has been, which is why the Bible tells us to watch and pray without ceasing.

Pastor John Piper, renowned Calvinist theologian, addressed the nuances on this subject in his podcast, where he was asked by a listener regarding the text of 1 Timothy 4: 1, which says that some “will abandon the faith and follow deceitful spirits and things taught by demons.”

“How is that? Can this really mean that Christ worshipers become flagrant demon worshipers?” the listener questioned. Piper then explained that in fact “genuinely” called and justified Christians “never fall into demon worship.”

According to Piper, the Timothy passage refers to Christians “who have been in the church for years and outwardly identify as Christians and yet are not truly born again.”

Last days

Still according to Piper, the biblical text is also related to the predicted apostasy for the last days before the second coming of Jesus to Earth. With the advance of evil over the world, “nominal Christians” will not be able to withstand the pressure and, therefore, will end up distancing themselves from God.

To substantiate his argument, the pastor quoted Matthew 24:12-13, where Jesus said that “due to the increase of wickedness, the love of the greater number will grow cold, but whoever remains steadfast to the end will be saved.”

“In other words,” says Piper second the Christian Post, “the mystery of lawlessness will have an enormous impact on nominal Christians, whose love for Christ is superficial and unrealistic. They will cool down. Their resistance to the demons’ deception will give way, and they will not endure to the end.”

#Servants #God #Satan #Worshipers

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