“Reduce Your Cancer Mortality Risk with Daily Sun Vitamin (Vitamin D)”

by time news

2023-05-13 17:37:29

«sun vitamin»

A daily dose of this vitamin lowers your risk of dying from cancer

Anyone who takes vitamin D regularly can significantly reduce their risk of dying from a tumor disease. Provided it is swallowed daily.


Fee Anabelle Riebeling


The sun vitamin, as vitamin D is also often called, can reduce cancer mortality in the population by twelve percent. This is reported by researchers from the German Cancer Research Center.


  • A good vitamin D level is important for health.

  • German cancer researchers are now extending the list of positive effects.

  • According to them, regular intake of vitamin D can significantly reduce mortality from cancer.

  • The researchers see a connection with reactions of vitamin D in the body.

  • Vitamin D produces a hormone that appears to inhibit tumor growth.

The sunshine vitamin D – strictly speaking not a vitamin but a hormone – is a real jack of all trades. Vitamin D is important for a healthy immune system and also plays a relevant role in bone formation and tooth formation. Vitamin D is also said to strengthen the brain. It is also said to protect against osteoporosisjust as as before Parkinson’s dementia and diabetes.

Now researchers at the German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ) are reporting another positive effect of vitamin D. Theirs in the specialist journal «Aging Research Reviews» According to a published study, daily intake of vitamin D cancer mortality in the population reduce by twelve percent. This emerges from the analysis of 14 studies of the highest quality level on the connection between vitamin D3 supplementation and the prognosis of cancer. In total, the data from almost 105,000 study participants was included.

“Vitamin D probably does not protect against developing cancer. But statistically speaking, the probability of dying from it decreases by twelve percent, »explains cancer researcher Ben Schöttker, who was involved in the study, to FR.de.

It’s better to do a little regularly than a lot once

“We observed this 12 percent reduction in cancer mortality after untargeted vitamin D3 administration to people with and without vitamin D deficiency,” explains Schlöttker in a statement. One can therefore assume “that the effect is significantly higher for those people who actually have a vitamin D deficiency”.

“Vitamin D probably does not protect against developing cancer. But statistically speaking, the probability of dying from it drops by twelve percent.”

Ben Schöttker, cancer researcher at the DKFZ

Important for the positive effect According to the study, regular intake has an impact on the mortality risk. Accordingly is daily intake in low doses – i.e. between 400 and 4000 international units (see box) – is crucial in view of the better chances of survival. In contrast, mortality was reduced with infrequently administered high single doses – between 60,000 and 120,000 i. E – not.

international unity?

International unit, short i. E. (English: international unit – IU) is a unit of measure for the effect of a medicinal substance. It is used for biologically active and complex substances such as hormones, antibiotics, vaccines, blood products, immunological preparations and some vitamins. Different forms or preparations of one and the same substance are therefore comparable with regard to their biological effect.

Too much vitamin D is also not good

Why daily vitamin D intake reduces mortality from cancer needs to be researched in more detail. The researchers see a connection with reactions of vitamin D in the body. Vitamin D produces a hormone with the scientific name 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D. “It can probably inhibit tumor growth,” says Schöttker.

It is not advisable to supplement vitamin D on your own or to take high doses regularly without consulting your doctor. If you take too much vitamin D in the long term, the calcium level in the body will increase (hypercalcemia), which can lead to acute nausea, loss of appetite, abdominal cramps, vomiting or, in severe cases, to kidney damage, cardiac arrhythmias, unconsciousness and death. Since vitamin D can be stored in the body, in addition to an acute overdose, a gradual overdose is also possibleaccording to the Swiss Society for Nutrition SGE.

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