
by time news

2023-05-12 23:13:00

I make a parenthesis in the electoral process to remember what is really important: our Guate!

I know that you, dear reader, are a responsible person, dedicated to your family, work, friends and various activities, all honest and productive. That is not the case for many chapines who live in the midst of conflicts caused by organizations such as CODECA, government unions that demand salary increases without taking a step towards improving the services for which they are hired. Of course, we do not forget to mention the plains as always, protesting everything and nothing.

Political campaigns are integrated into the social polarization in which we live. ANDThe fluctuations of accusations, misleading messages, promises that will be broken because they are unreal and unattainable, have temporarily increased this conflictive environment.

Some issues, not unrelated to politics, that cause division are, among others, the LGBTIQ+ movement. They take advantage of the moment to demand “rights”, which are nothing more than privileges. They demand respect, but they violate our freedom by protesting and demanding. Another is made up of “environmentalists”, who protest climate change, accuse the business sector of causing it, but leave trash and graffiti wherever they go. The name of the game will always be money.

The current government system, with too many ministries, secretariats, general directorates and I don’t know what else, is not going to change because there are many favors to pay, be it money, jobs, privileges and even more bureaucracy. In abundance there is disorder and, consequently, inefficiency, the dispersion of resources and, without a doubt, theft. A very phraseswing” says “why fix what ain’t broken?”. In our Guatemala it is the other way around: why break what is right?

In the midst of it all, we must remember that it is we, the private sector, who keep this blessed piece of land on which we live afloat. We have a stable economy, access to local and foreign goods and services, low inflation, significant GDP growth, and above all, freedom to live, work, and vote for whoever we want, with twenty-three options to choose from.

Taking this brief parenthesis into consideration, it becomes increasingly important to think about who we are going to place our trust in when going to vote. We live in a great country. Let’s keep believing, investing, working and improving our square meter.


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