“We must avoid the mistakes of the past…” says Julien Yombouno

by time news

2023-05-10 19:06:07

When the CNRD came to power in September 2021, thousands of civil servants were retired. A few months later, a platform called “Servir-224” was put online for the recruitment of young people in the public service. More than a year later, no recruitment. And job seekers will still have to wait. And for good reason ! This Wednesday, May 10, the Minister of Labor and the Public Service, Julien Yombouno, was arrested by CNT advisers. He lent himself to the exercise of questions and answers to the CNT.

The government’s promise of transition had made more than one graduate looking for his first job dream. Several months have passed, no recruitment competition for new civil servants has been held, for reasons hitherto unknown. The question is asked. What recruitment program do you plan to put in place for young graduates, in order to fill the void left by those who have left the civil service? Minister Julien Yombouno begins by acknowledging that there have been many departures in one way or another from the Public Service. “More than 17,000 in particular, retirees, fictitious jobs, voluntary departures or abandonment of posts…” He is aware of the unemployment rate in Guinea which would arise “even in the streets”, but he asks for patience. “You want to tell me that you have to recruit in proportion to the number of people who have left, even while waiting for biometrics. To avoid the mistakes of the past, we must see very clearly. We are going to engage in biometrics, through which we will be able to have better control of the workforce and the payroll of the Civil Service. This will let us know if the 104,000 officials are real or fake. This will also allow us to support unemployed graduates. So, we will still keep our evil in patience, ”declares the minister to the advisers of the CNT.

“A transparent and fair competition”

For unemployed graduates, the minister says that everyone is concerned. There would be three who do not work, but “it’s the law, it applies to everyone”. To convince of its transparency, he cites Article 17 of Law L027 of the General Statute of State Agents which stipulates that “the mode of access to public service jobs remains the competitive examination”. According to the Minister, in the FUGAS program (Single file of administrative management and balance), there would be a module being processed which will relate to the competition. “Operations will no longer be done face-to-face, but online”. It promises a much more transparent, fair and just competition for everyone.

According to the Minister, the number of places to be filled will increase after the biometrization of the Civil Service file. A communication plan would have been designed for a “possible organization of a recruitment competition. The sectoral ministries have already expressed their needs. They will update the profiles by position, we will no longer make a massive recruitment, but according to the needs and the necessity. It will be post by post, profile by profile, in connection with the Ministry of the Budget to see the budget forecasts before organizing anything ”. He states that the vacancies are not sufficiently numerous nor reserved for all the unemployed.

Julien Yombouno recalls that the Ministry of Labor and the Public Service is not only responsible for recruitment. It would also serve “as a catalyst and facilitator for jobs through the private sector, in collaboration with the Minister of Technical Education, Vocational Training and Employment”.

The Minister asks for time to finalize the biometrics before starting a new process so as not to be caught off guard. He indicates that it would be impossible to initiate a massive recruitment “without knowing the number of people who are joining the civil service, and to regularize the case of the non-posted who were recruited several years ago and who are still not not in operation”.

Abdoulaye Pellel Bah

#avoid #mistakes #Julien #Yombouno

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