Why does my dog ​​put his paw on me?

by time news

2023-04-25 10:24:59

Not only we Italians gesticulate. Even dogs all over the world are capable of it, in their own way. Pawing is to all intents and purposes a form of communication. And if you too are wondering what your puppy wants to tell you when he touches you with his paw, you’ve come to the right place.

Call attention
Dogs, like humans, also talk with their paws. In its most basic form, when your dog paws at you, it’s to get your attention without necessarily barking. In short, it’s a way to start a communication, an exchange, which could correspond to tapping someone on the shoulder to make them turn towards us. So when your dog lifts his paw to touch you, he’s making a choice. The question is: why?

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Strengthening praise
The most plausible reason, according to some animal behavior experts, is that we taught them to do it. When your dog offers you his paw you are likely to react positively. Sometimes you’ll even offer a reward, like praise or physical affection, and this will encourage him to do it again (and again, and again). When he touches you, do you notice that he always uses the same paw? This could tell you if he is left or right handed. Find out here why it’s important to know.

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I want more
If your dog rests his paw on you while he’s already petting him, you’re feeding him and paying attention, the meaning is almost obvious: he’s asking you to keep doing exactly what you’re doing. That’s why “don’t quit” is one of the most common reasons dogs put their paws on their people. Similarly, your dog may do this action as soon as you withdraw your hand, to tell you “go on, continue” or “give me more”. If you are not sure, just pair this behavior with one of the telltale signs that your dog is happy.

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Caress of comfort
We know how great the sensitivity of dogs is, so much so that he perceives what we feel and when we feel bad. This is why when we are down in the dumps, we are crying or simply we are more despondent than usual, our dog will approach us to put his paw on our legs or on our hand, which is his to give us a caress and say: “I’m here with you , it will go better”. And when we need a good push, to go out and do something that makes us the day, dogs are able to remind us by putting their paws on our back, giving us a push to get up.

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Touch of love
Depending on the context, with the touch of their paw dogs can communicate many things to us, even let us know how much they love us. Just as they love belly rubs, they seem to know that we humans really enjoy physical contact and being touched. And since they love us, they want to make us happy and do what they like. In this case the touch of love will not be like those of recall but more prolonged and relaxed. This shows us that not always giving the paw equals their constant search for praise or rewards. It can also happen that the dog gives the paw when he doesn’t feel well, trying to communicate his suffering state to you. Sometimes the dog just wants to be left alone for a whileother times he may be anxious or sore. But if you fear that your dog is sick or has some undefined medical condition, he calls your veterinarian and explains the situation: only an expert will be able to analyze the situation and tell you how to intervene.

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#dog #put #paw

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