Social Security: New compensation for injuries and mutilations at work

by time news

2023-05-15 00:12:57

Monday, May 15, 2023, 00:12

The Basque Country recorded almost 38,200 accidents at work last year that required medical leave, according to statistics collected by Osalan. A part of them -it is not a data made public by the Basque Institute for Occupational Safety and Health- produced injuries, mutilations and deformities of a definitive nature that, however, do not incapacitate the worker to continue with their employment.

It usually involves the loss or injury of some part of the body (fingers, eyes, ears, etc.) or the reduction of motor or sensory abilities. This type of contingency entitles you to a flat-rate compensation from Social Security.

The Government has just published a ministerial order that updates these amounts. A review that affects those injuries caused by accidents at work -or occupational diseases- that, without actually producing permanent disability, “represent a decrease or alteration of the physical integrity of the worker”, as explained by Social Security in a online magazine.

The corresponding indemnity will be made in one go with the predetermined amounts. It will be borne by the entity or mutual collaborating with Social Security in charge of paying permanent disability benefits. “All this without prejudice to the right of the worker to continue at the service of the company,” clarifies the public entity.

List of injuries and compensation

These are some of the new scales:

– Loss of an ear: 2,168 euros. Without they are both, 4,588 euros.

– Loss of the nose: 9,152 euros.

– Loss of sense of smell: 1,450 euros

– Hearing loss (decreased hearing sensitivity, a kind of moderate deafness) that affects the conversational area in both ears: 4,289 euros.

– Decreased visual acuity of one eye by more than 50%: 2,300 euros

– Loss of bone substance in the cranial wall, clearly appreciable by clinical examination: from 1,186 to 2,684.

– Face deformations that seriously affect facial aesthetics or prevent any of the functions of the external organs of the face: from 2,300 to 9,152 euros.

– Anatomical or functional loss of the testicles or ovaries: 3,402 euros if it is one, 7,643 if it is both.

– Total loss of the penis: 8,158 euros.

– Complete loss of fingers of the hand: from 2,168 euros (little finger) to 3,438 euros (index and middle).

– Total loss of a toe: between 2,684 euros (first finger) and 815 (the rest).

– Loss of the woman’s breast: 3,067 euros (one) or 6,541 (two).

– Loss of the spleen: 2,899 euros.

– Loss of a kidney: 5,103 euros.

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