Public Advocacy | School of the Corps of Lawyers of the State of the Nation

by time news

2023-05-15 05:01:35

With a look that aims to recover the function of the State lawyer to defend the public interest, and the importance of training and specific technical improvement of the professionals who develop their administrative career in the State, last week formally closed the specialized seminar on Federal Public Advocacy given by the National State Lawyers Corps School (ECAE) at the UNR Law School. “We try to federalize their activities so that everything is not always locked up in four blocks in the City of Buenos Aires, where there is often an oversupply and a great shortage in the rest of the country, and the UNR is one of the universities with which better we are working,” he told Rosario/12 the director of the ECAE, Guido Croxatto, who participated in the closing ceremony of the seminar. On the same day, the Faculty hosted the creation of the Argentine Association of Professors of Human Rights (see separate). “These events position the Faculty, which today is doing work side by side with the Treasury Attorney and the ECAE”, Croxatto highlighted.

The seminar had ten classes in which the former Prosecutor Alejandra Gils Carbó, the judge of the Criminal Cassation Chamber, Ana María Figueroa, the dean of the Faculty, Hernán Botta, Juan Pablo Bohoslavsky, Julián Axat and the Croxatto himself. “Within a month we are going to publish a book with all the papers prepared by those attending the seminar, all lawyers who teach at the Faculty,” said the lawyer, who leads, together with the former Minister of the Court, Raúl Zaffaroni, the defense international meeting of the ousted president of Peru, Pedro Castillo.

“The issues that stood out are all those that public law goes through. The difference between being a lawyer who works in the private sector and being a lawyer who defends the public interest. And then, neuralgic issues. We talked a lot about the illegitimate debt he suffered Argentina, and what is the role of the body of State lawyers to defend the national and sovereign interest against debt policies that overwhelm the public interest, impoverish Argentina and empty the State by depriving it of tools”, indicated Croxatto.

“We are talking about the lack of Human Rights in the administrative procedure, the lack of women in the administration of justice, that is why Ana María Figueroa, with whom we were in the Vatican a month ago at a conference on colonialism and neo-colonialism, of which Zaffaroni also participated, he is a bit of an exception and a benchmark,” he added.

The ECAE made agreements with other national public universities, such as those of Córdoba and La Plata, but it also made progress in other agreements with France. “Last month we signed with the Council of State and the National School of Administration, which is now called the Institute of Public Services of the Nation, and was the model by which the ECAE was born in the 1994 Reform, so that students of Public Law of Argentina, who work in the Argentine State, and who study at the ECAE, can take a semester in France to perfect themselves,” said Croxatto.

“We find it very funny when the guarantee is questioned, as if in our countries there were an excess of guarantees and not a total lack of guarantees and rights, we have nothing left over,” said the head of the ECAE. “It is absurd that in a country where half the people are poor, the few guarantees that exist are questioned, when the problem is the absolute lack of guarantees, which is what happens in Argentina. Neoliberalism wants to cut all social rights, He sees them as a cost and not as a guarantee of human dignity. We have another vision of what is public, and that was the axis of the talk at the Faculty of Law, how to reinvent and re-hierarchize the concept of what is public in law , and in society itself, in public, collective discourse,” he added.

According to Croxatto, the ECAE’s task is also seen in other aspects; for example, that it transcends the political rift because it generates fundamental and long-term public policies. “The training of State lawyers, who are the ones who defend the interest of the Nation, cannot be subject to who governs Argentina, it cannot vary with each election, it is a strategic and long-term training, like any educational policy” , considered.

Another of the topics addressed was that of public advocacy in the Latin American context. “We want to reverse this commonplace of neoliberalism that questions everything public and defend that space of greatness and regional integration that public policies have. Just as we are proud that Latin American brothers are treated in an Argentine public hospital or study at a public university Argentina, we are also proud that lawyers of the Argentine State defend Latin American causes, which have to do with the integration and sovereignty of our countries,” he said.

In this context, the head of the ECAE highlighted: “We are very happy to defend the president of Peru, Pedro Castillo, as it was to defend Evo Morales at the time, or Rafael Correa, because we understand that this is the noble meaning of the legal profession. Argentine public service, which transcends the work in our country and expands to the rest of Latin America. We are proud when an Argentine lawyer defends a cause related to social justice in Latin America”.

“We understand that this is the best face of Argentine history, that of expansive public policies that have made the social fabric that is being dismantled grow,” added Croxatto, who had just held a videoconference with the Special Rapporteur on the right to freedom of peaceful assembly and of association of the United Nations, Clement Voule, who will travel to Peru after the presentation they made, expanding in the International Criminal Court an extension of the complaint for crimes against lesa humanity that are being committed in Peru against the original populations.

A year ago, the mayor Pablo Javkin sent a note to Croxatto to consider the possibility that municipal professionals could carry out the training in Complex Economic Crimes and Prevention of Asset Laundering, which the government of Mauricio Macri had canceled. and that all the lawyers of the UIF, the AFIP and the Treasury Attorney, request that the ECAE has received from different anti-laundering prosecutors in the country. “We gave them those places to train. That is why I reiterate that in public advocacy there are aspects where the political rift is transcended and we work together to improve the standard of living of our citizens and to face the serious problems we have. Obviously, crimes assets, money laundering linked to drug trafficking with a problem in Rosario, and we train lawyers to begin to counteract this phenomenon,” he concluded.

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