‘Discomfort’ by the placement of radars –

by time news

2023-05-11 16:52:14

‘Concern’ and ‘discomfort’… the issue of speed cameras has given us something to talk about a week after the new authorities enter to occupy their positions. ‘Discomfort’ for the placement of radars

The criteria are varied and, as always, we once again compare ourselves with Ambato based on the statements made by the new mayoress of that canton.

Namely. Although John Vinueza, incoming mayor, in his Tik Tok account said that “it is not that he wants to or not, but that he touches”, and incidentally made the director of the Mobility Directorate known, that is, Cristian Gavilanes.

Situation. The public opined. In the case of Israel Argüello, who is an architect, he noted that it seems good to him, because, “somehow, he educates himself, but it is a way of collecting money, and that must be done in moderation.” In addition, Gabriela Cargua, a Transport Management engineer, indicated that it is a measure to reduce the accident rate at some point, especially if the cause is speeding.

Case. Vinueza, in his video, referred precisely to this point, the accident rate in our city.

Only in the previous weekend there were two major crashes, and in one of them a 17-year-old girl died. In the city there is already a radar. Cargua cited the example of La Prensa avenue, which is an informative device, and agreed that the objective should be to raise awareness among the people rather than the collection of fines obtained.

Opinion. In the case of Víctor Cepeda, a taxi driver, he said that although it seems like a good idea, for him, in his daily work, “it would be uncomfortable”, and that they should be placed on roads such as the Circunvalación. On this point, Cargua stated that these teams should not be placed anywhere, but a study is needed to indicate the areas with the greatest difficulties.

In Ambato they withdrew them because they were placed in various places without a study.

#Discomfort #placement #radars

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