Working mother mental health policies are needed

by time news

2023-05-14 16:00:05

With the Covid-19 pandemic, there was an increase in anxiety and stress, this as a result of social isolation and other factors, but the complications arising from the outbreak that devastated the planet were even more intense for mothers.

At the end of 2021, a survey carried out by the Federal University of Mato Grosso do Sul (UFMS) with mothers from all over Brazil found that 83% of the interviewees felt overwhelmed by having to take care of their own children during isolation and, of these , 25% had symptoms of depression, 26% of anxiety and 22% of stress.

After returning to face-to-face work, the situation got worse.

A recent study by Ticket found that 52% of women have already suffered some type of prejudice in the workplace simply because they have children. In comparison, only 15% of men polled gave the same answer.

“The hormonal alterations of pregnancy and the postpartum period already make women more susceptible to anxiety and depression, and many feel compelled to combine child care with professional life, demanding too much of themselves in the great most of the time. And this ends up having an impact on the emotional health of these working mothers, which is why the support of the company is fundamental”, explains the psychologist and CEO of Mental Clean, Fátima Macedo.

According to the specialist, it is necessary for the woman to review some aspects of her job so that there are no excesses.

“We know that there is competition between colleagues within the work environment, but it needs to be in a healthy way. It is necessary to list priorities and organize ourselves so that the work is well done without professional burnout, so that it does not culminate in a state of burnout”, analyzes the psychologist.

On the other hand, Macedo warns that companies need to have clear policies for caring for this woman-mother and even work on the unconscious bias within the company, look at the data regarding leadership positions, how balanced this is.

“Many companies still have the false idea that if the professional is a mother, she will not be able to dedicate herself as much to work as a man, will not be able to develop a career and will not be as available for work as a man would be”, he says.

The psychologist also advises that the company’s role in supporting employees, especially mothers, is extremely important.

“The organization needs to have a more humanized, flexible and empathetic environment. It is essential that the leaders make the teams aware of motherhood and parenthood, and about the needs that mothers and fathers have during different stages of their children’s lives, so that there is an understanding common to all”, instructs.

In addition, another very important support provided by companies is breastfeeding rooms.

“We have some customers in the manufacturing sector who built the ‘space for women’, where there is a breastfeeding room and a place to rest”, exemplifies Fátima.

In addition to looking for companies that already have support policies for mothers and pregnant women, women who are experiencing mental health issues also need to seek professional help in the area and it is important that they have a support network with friends and family.

“A mother does not have to carry the world alone. She charges herself for this, and companies can, along with the other people around her, extend a hand to this mother, giving her security, bringing relief, support and comfort to the good of your emotional health”, signals the specialist.

In this scenario, leaders have to better know and understand the reality of their employees, so that they can encourage and support women to talk to the company about their needs.

“It is necessary to empower this woman, she needs to understand that she can and should talk to her organization and establish a connection so that, in fact, her priorities are met”, concludes Fátima.

With information from the State of Minas Gerais – Saúde e Bem Viver

#Working #mother #mental #health #policies #needed

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