Nutrition Tips to Combat Menopausal Complaints: Foods, Supplements, and Vitamins

by time news

2023-05-15 15:00:00

Nutrition against menopausal complaints
Nutrition against menopausal complaints

Of transition is a completely natural phase of life that every woman between the ages of 45 and 55 has to go through. This phase is characterized by a decrease in the production of the hormones estrogen in progesterone. This hormonal change can cause physical and emotional discomfort. You can mitigate the discomfort with a balanced diet. In this article we will discuss physical changes what you will have to deal with during the transition and we will look at how you can deal with the right menopausal complaints foodssupplements, vitamins and minerals.

What changes during the transition?

With the drop in estrogen levels, you may experience the following symptoms during menopause:

• Hot flashes and night sweats
• Vaginal dryness
• Mood swings and irritability
• Insomnia or sleep disturbances
• Weight gain and a slower metabolism
• Decreased bone density and increased risk of osteoporosis
• Changes in cholesterol levels and increased risk of heart disease

How can nutrition help against menopause complaints?

A balanced diet can help ease some menopausal symptoms and contribute to your overall health. Here are some practical tips:


Phytosterols are plant compounds that mimic the action of estrogens in the body. They can help reduce hot flashes, night sweats, and other symptoms. Here are the foods that contain them and that we can include in our diet:

  • Soy products (tofu, tempeh, edamame beans, and soy milk)
  • Flax seeds and sesame seeds
  • Whole grains (oats, barley, and brown rice)
  • Legumes (lentils and chickpeas)

Calcium and vitamin D

For the health of your bones and especially to reduce the risk of osteoporosis, it is important that you get enough calcium and vitamin D. It is therefore important that your diet contains the following foods:

  • Milk and dairy products (milk, cheese and yogurt)
  • Vegetables (kale, broccoli)
  • Plant-based milk (soy milk, almond milk, or oat milk)
  • Fatty fish (salmon, mackerel and sardines)
  • Orange juice

Fiber and fiber-rich foods

Fiber aids digestion and helps control your weight. Make sure you eat enough fiber. Some examples of high fiber foods are:

  • Fruits (berries, apples and pears)
  • Vegetables (broccoli, Brussels sprouts and carrots)
  • Whole grains (quinoa, brown rice, and whole wheat pasta)
  • Legumes (beans, lentils and chickpeas)
  • Nuts and seeds (almonds, chia seeds, and flax seeds)

The good fats

Heart and blood vessels benefit from the so-called ‘good fats’. In addition, try to limit saturated and trans fats as much as possible. Good fats can be found in:

  • Olive oil
  • Avocado
  • Nuts (almonds, walnuts and pistachios)
  • Seeds (chia seeds, flaxseeds and sunflower seeds)
  • Fatty fish (salmon, tuna and mackerel)

Drink enough

Drinking enough water is also important for your health and can also help to reduce hot flashes. Try to drink at least eight glasses of water a day.

Supplements, vitamins and minerals

A balanced diet should provide most of the nutrients you need, but sometimes additional supplementation can be helpful. Always consult your doctor before taking any dietary supplement. The most suitable supplements for menopause are:

  • Vitamin D and calcium for bone health
  • Magnesium to support sleep and regulate mood
  • Vitamins of the B group (especially vitamins B6 and B12) for energy and against mood swings
  • Omega-3 fatty acids for heart and brain health

General tips for diet and supplements during menopause

  • Eat a balanced diet rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins and healthy fats.
  • Get plenty of exercise to strengthen bones, control your body weight, and stay in shape.
  • Avoid stress and reduce tension through meditation, relaxation techniques, yoga and – very importantly – enough sleep.
  • Consult a doctor or nutritionist for personalized advice and recommendations.

The menopause is a natural transition phase, but menopause complaints can complicate your life. A balanced diet, good nutrition and a healthy lifestyle can help control these symptoms and improve life during this phase. It can be a time to take a closer look at all your habits and work on your health and well-being with renewed courage and motivation.

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