The PP distributes Rajoy and Rueda throughout Galicia to cover the entire territory

by time news

2023-05-15 17:30:00

Former President Mariano Rajoy, in Pontevedra. Ramon Leiro

The former president of the Government tours cities this week and will not coincide with the head of the Xunta, which is focused these days on rural councils and villas

15 may 2023 . Updated at 5:33 p.m.

While Mariano Rajoy accompanied the popular candidate from Santiago, Borja Verea, at the traditional banquet in Conxo, the head of the Xunta did the same with that of Poio in a pilgrimage. «Anyone who does not want four more years of Sanchismo for Spain cannot choose the socialist ballot on 28M», said Alfonso Rueda, while the former president of the Government sent a similar message: «[las municipales] They are a magnificent opportunity to comment on what is happening in Spain ». The PP has decided to distribute the two leaders in different acts to try to “cover the entire territory”, so that Rajoy participates in rallies or meetings with the headliners in the cities and Rueda does the same in rural municipalities or in villas during the 28M campaign.

Thus, the president of the Galician Government was seen in Cervantes, in Os Ancares, where he visited the Fair in defense of the mountain farmer. He was accompanied by the PP candidate for mayor of the town, Óscar Fernández, and the regional deputy and number two on the list, Encarna Amigo. The message there was against the presence of ETA “murderers” on the Bildu lists, for which he asked the BNG, the party with which he is in a coalition in the European elections, for explanations. The same was transmitted by Mariano Rajoy in Pontevedra, where he started his Galician tour in these municipalities. Both thus coincide in speech, but in different locations to cover the largest possible field in the electoral race.

Rajoy and Rueda will not have a joint photo before May 28, since the former president recounts his last days of campaigning in Galicia. Yes there will be between the Galician president and his predecessor, Alberto Núñez Feijoo, who lands in the community on Friday. The head of the Xunta will be with him in Ferrol, after presiding over the Council, which is celebrated that day because Thursday is the Ascension holiday in Santiago. The president of the PP will also be in Pontevedra and Lugo, a city where the popular ones have the possibility of taking over the mayoralty, according to the daily polls by Sondaxe.

It will be from then on when Rueda landed in the cities and large towns, already in the final stretch of the campaign. The popular Galicians also maintain an intense agenda with the presence of counselors -many of them support candidates on the lists- or the party’s leading swords, such as the general secretary, Paula Pradoor the provincial presidents.

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