“He has no chance”: The former minister who was in prison calls on Netanyahu to go for a plea deal

by time news

Former Minister Rabbi Shlomo Benizri was convicted of accepting bribes, breach of trust and obstruction of justice. Moshe Sela, who was the main state witness in the case, admitted that he lied while giving his testimony. In a conversation that took place today (Tuesday) with Yinon Magal and Ben Caspit on 103FM, Benizri referred to the false testimony that ruined his life as well as the trial of former Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

“He has no chance. Almost no one leaves there is entitled,” Benizri said of Netanyahu’s chances in a trial these days, adding: “The number of convictions in Israel ranges from 99-98 percent, the small percentage he has to leave is almost nil. The entire case of Netanyahu is the future of the Israeli justice system. I had a lot of bright spots in the trial, we were in euphoria, I did not believe I would be convicted after everything I proved. So when Bibi Netanyahu sees a bright spot I tell him – I do not want him off the political stage but I say you have no chance “Anyone who calls me and says go for a deal or a lawsuit I say save millions and heartache and get a deal. State witnesses are liars, crooks, who want to save their skin – it’s a corrupt thing.”

Asked if the state witness against him had recently retaliated, the former minister replied: “It was four years ago, but last week there was another meeting. He came to my house, I agreed to accept him and we made a sulha and he repeated the words he sinned and lied under the influence and pressure of the prosecution “Bread. He had no choice so he said what he said while emphasizing to them that I did nothing.”

He said, “The main witness in this trial is Moshe Sela. The investigations began in 2001 and only in 2004 or 2005 was I summoned for questioning because only then did they sign a state witness agreement with him. Until then, they had no case, it was only after they broke it. The length of time the person is lying and there was no one to hear me. I shouted that I was innocent, they claimed he gave me money, 95 percent of the bribe case was deleted and there were several tens of thousands of shekels he borrowed and I returned and there was an argument whether I returned or not when you were not a minister. “Appealed to the Supreme Court, it was four and I sat for two and a half years.”

Benizri continued: “How many state witnesses have you known since the establishment of the state who claimed they lied? I do not know one. What was the prosecution’s response? They said he was known as one who exaggerated. There will be a state witness and today you are ignoring? Why am I not going to a retrial? I went to Adv. Chimi and he said there is a good case you will get a retrial, just know you the costs are of millions and the question is do you have confidence in the justice system. I do not have it, my trust is zero. “

Assisted in the preparation of the article: Ofri Glichman, 103fm


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