Trump Grabs Ammunition With A Report Sharply Criticizing The FBI’s Investigation Of His Alleged Collusion With Russia In 2016

by time news

2023-05-16 00:25:47

He former president of the United States and contender for the Republican nomination for 2024, Donald Trump, has gained ammunition to delve into his complaints that he is the victim of a “Witch huntpolitically motivated. This Monday the report by special counsel John Durhamwhich for nearly four years has studied the investigation that the Department of Justice and the FBI launched into the Trump campaign’s alleged collusion with Russia to influence the 2016 presidential election, and the document strongly criticizes the FBI for these surveys.

Although there are no major new revelations in the Durham report regarding other previous internal investigations carried out by Justice, Trump has taken the opportunity to talk about a “timo” in a message on his social network Truth Social. And in a statement to the Fox News website, she has spoken of “farceand has said that There must be a high price to pay for putting our country through this.”

Research and conclusions

durham was named in 2019 by William Barr, Trump’s tax general, to investigate the investigation of Trump and the Russian connection, which was christened “Crossfire Hurricane”. In the report published this Monday, from 306 pagesquestions the FBI for having investigated the Trump campaign based on “raw, uncorroborated, and unanalyzed intelligence”, which includes the controversial Steele reportof which he assures that the FBI was unable to corroborate “not even a substantive accusation.”

durham talks about “lack of analytical rigor” and considers “extremely worrying” the FBI’s failure to critically analyze “information that went against the narrative of a collusion between Trump and Russia.” He also claims that the handling of key aspects of the case was “seriously deficient”. And he assures that a “serious damage to the reputation” of the FBI.

The problems, he says, would have been avoided if agency agents had not accepted “seriously flawed information.” And he questions that the investigation continued despite the “complete lack of information from the intelligence community to corroborate the hypothesis” of collusion with Russia. In addition, he says that the agents ignored information that exonerated key suspects.

Durham also talks about discrimination in the Trump investigation compared to another that was also carried out in that campaign Hillary Clinton. He mentions, for example, that the Justice agents offered the Democratic candidate a “defensive briefing” so that he could prepare for allegations that he could be subject to pressure from some foreign agent, something that was not offered to Trump.

no consequences

Many of Durham’s conclusions were already known, thanks in part to an investigation by the general counsel of the Department of Justice in 2019that in those investigations found no “testimonial or documentary evidence of intentional misconduct.”

Although during his investigation the special prosecutor has charged three people, two were exonerated. A lawyer who pleaded guilty to altering the content of an email to obtain a court order was only sentenced to serve community Services.


He FBI has issued a announcement defending that already made changes and corrective actions after previous analysis and has argued that if they had been up before the errors identified in Durhman’s report could have been avoided.

TrumpFor his part, in his statements to the Fox News website, he has spoken of “a giant and very dangerous scam” that, he assures, has “very serious implications for national security.”. “The result is a dabsolute and unequivocal disaster in terms of justice”, has also assured. “I, and more importantly, the American people, have been victims of this long and treacherous charade that the Democrats started, that Comey started,” referring to the Former FBI Director James Comey

Some Republican, like Congressman Andy Biggs, has taken to social media to urge defunding and dismantling the FBI.

#Trump #Grabs #Ammunition #Report #Sharply #Criticizing #FBIs #Investigation #Alleged #Collusion #Russia

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