How to make my dog ​​live longer?

by time news

2023-05-16 01:56:57

For those of us who have a “lomito” for best friend, we are aware of the ephemeral nature of his life. It is not that as humans we have life assured, but it is a reality that time passes faster in them. that’s why we tell youhow to make your dog live longer.

Bobi, the oldest dog in the world

It’s true, dogs are not from animal kingdom who live longerYes, but there are exemptions as is the case with Bobi. This purebred Alentejo rafeiro became the world’s longest-lived dog at the age of 31, thus breaking the Guinness record.

Bodi lives in a beautiful rural area of ​​Portugal, where despite his age he maintains a very active life. According to his owner, Leonel Costa Your pet is in very good health. Of course, he experiences some problems according to his age, such as difficulty walking.

Bodi’s longevity is perhaps due to his genetics, but also to the healthy life and the love that his human companion has given him. That is why we reveal a couple of things that they can make your pet live longer.

Photo Guinness Record.

How long do dogs live?

Depends on the breed, according to the The American Kennel Cludand little dog They usually live between 10 to 15 years. However, some reach the age of 18 or 31, as is the case with Bodi.

However, this life time is not the same for large dogs, since their life expectancy is reduced to 8 to 10 years, the maximum is usually 12 years.

In addition to the size, as we mentioned in previous paragraphs, the genetics is important, since some dogs are more predisposed to face certain diseases.

Photo iStock

Tips to make your dog live longer

being our best friendIt’s hard to say goodbye. Although death is part of life, there is no need to do things to delay the final moment in space if you take care of our dog’s health.

1. Balanced diet: Provide your dog with a balanced and quality diet, appropriate to its stage of life. Check with your vet to make sure he is getting the necessary nutrients.

2. Regular exercise: Make sure your dog exercise daily. Walks, games and physical activity help keep him fit and prevent health problems.

3. Visits to the vet: Take your dog for regular veterinary checkups. Regular checkups make it possible to detect health problems early and prevent diseases.

Photo iStock

4. Maintain your proper weight: Being overweight can be detrimental to your health of your dog and shorten his life. Control his eating and avoid giving him too many treats.

5. Vaccinations and deworming: Make sure your dog receives all the necessary vaccinations and regular deworming to protect it from diseases.

6. Hygiene and care: Keep your dog clean and take care of his hygiene. Bathe, brush and take care of your teeth regularly to avoid dental problems.

7. Avoid toxic substances: Keep your dogor away from toxic substances such as poisonous plants, cleaning products or dangerous foods for dogs, such as chocolate.

8. Provide a safe environment: Create a safe and danger-free environment for your dog. Avoid having access to toxic substances, small objects that he can swallow or dangerous areas.

9. Mental stimulation: Provide games and toys that stimulate your dog’s mind. This helps keep you mentally active and happy.

10. Lots of love and attention: Give your much love dog, attention and quality time. Dogs need to feel loved and part of the family in order to have a happy and healthy life.

Remember that each dog is unique, and if you have any specific concerns about your dog’s health, it is always best to consult with a vet.

The most important thing you can do for your dog beyond making him live as long as he has. It is that you try as much as possible to give him the best quality of life, but especially all the love possible.

If you want to know more about your pet We invite you to watch the next video:

#dog #live #longer

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