football and its old demons

by time news

2023-05-15 08:25:00

THE MONDAY TACKLE. Several professional players refused to wear the armband and the rainbow flocking this weekend, with hazardous justifications.

By Adrian Mathieu

The fifth campaign of the LFP to fight against homophobia was once again marked by polemics.
The fifth campaign of the LFP to fight against homophobia was again marked by controversy.

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LThe years pass and unfortunately resemble each other. Like last season, the Ligue 1 and Ligue 2 days as part of the fight against homophobia were marked by controversy and the refusal of several professional players to wear the armbands and rainbow flocking deployed at this occasion.

“Gay or straight, we all wear the same jersey”: here is the name of this campaign, which has existed since 2018. In its press release, the LFP recalled last week its desire to fight homophobia in the world of professional football, like all other forms of discrimination.

Idrissa Gueye and Radamel Falcao also refused

But this universal message is not to everyone’s taste. Several players refused to wear the rainbow symbols by highlighting their religion, their desire not to “encourage LGBT ideology”, or more generally not to engage in politics. Except that this campaign aims above all to shed light on the fact that millions of people are discriminated against and persecuted around the world because of their sexuality. It is recalled that in many countries, homosexuality is still punishable by prison sentences, or even the death penalty.

However, Donatien Gomis (Guingamp), Mostafa Mohamed (Nantes) and several Toulouse players have decided to boycott this action. One of the concerned, Zakaria Aboukhlal of the TFC, tried to justify his absence against Nantes on social networks. “I made the decision not to take part in today’s match. Above all, I would like to emphasize that I have the highest esteem for each person, regardless of their personal preferences, gender, religion and origins. Respect is a value that I hold dear. It extends to others, but it also encompasses respect for my personal beliefs. That’s why I don’t think I’m the most suitable person to participate in the meeting. I hope my decision will be treated with respect, just as we ask for respect. »

“In the world of football, if you say so, it’s over”

Can you imagine a footballer refusing to play because a jersey bears a slogan against racism, or to be refereed by Stéphanie Frappart? It would seem that all the causes are not housed in the same boat… The question of homophobia in professional football remains latent, even taboo, and the coming outs can be counted on the fingers of one hand. Patrice Evra had thus revealed that many players are still hiding, for fear of seeing their careers tip in the wrong direction. “Me, I played with players who were homosexual. Face to face, they opened up to me because they are afraid to talk about it otherwise. There are at least two players per club who are gay. But in the world of football, if you say so, it’s over, “said the former captain of the Blues in The Parisian in January 2022.

READ ALSOHigh-level sport: these “cruel” methods that no longer workIt is therefore difficult to change mentalities in the right direction when many football players are turning their backs on this initiative. Several Ligue 1 leaders and coaches even got involved and targeted this campaign by believing that the championship is distorted. “Everyone has their own opinions, personally, I don’t have a problem with that. […] I am not happy that in Toulouse, there are five players who do not play against Nantes, thus cursed Éric Roy, the coach of Brest. Five players who are not going to play because this problem bothers them, and they are playing against Nantes, who are fighting with us to maintain themselves. Is it fair? No, it’s not fair. And it is a responsibility of the League to have placed this day at this time. Éric Roy will be reminded, without even looking at the substance of his remarks (and there would be a lot to say, starting with the fact that homophobia is not an opinion), that it is not the LFP which set the date of the world day against homophobia…

All players in the tricolor football should sit around a table to find solutions so that this kind of controversy does not resurface each spring, when this initiative is only common sense in a world where too many people are still attacked because of their sexual orientation. Moreover, these famous jerseys in the colors of the rainbow which frighten some people so much will be put up for auction and the funds donated to associations which fight against this discrimination, such as Foot together, PanamBoyz & Girlz United , and SOS Homophobia. One thing is certain, there will be a lack of shirts on call and that’s a shame.

#football #demons

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