Former Dev-Sol DSP Chairman Önder Aksakal kneels before Erdoğan

by time news

2023-04-09 10:23:36

That Önder Aksakal is a former Dev-Leftist, that he was tried in the Dev-Sol Trial, was imprisoned and was politically banned. Short Wave writer Metin Çetingüleç He wrote in today’s column.

Çetingüleç met with Masum Türker, former Chairman of DSP. DSP Chairman Önder Aksakal and interviewed about According to Çetingüleç, Türker prepared Aksakal for the presidency.

Metin Çetingüleç’s article is as follows:

“The last surprise of the People’s Alliance was the DSP. It was an unexpected move. Because the day before, Kemal Kılıçdaroğlu had visited the DSP and met with Chairman Leader Aksakal and party executives. While everyone was waiting for the DSP to support the Nation Alliance, Önder Aksakal met with the AK Party delegation and announced that they joined the People’s Alliance a day later.

While 74 former Ministers and deputies from DSP issued a statement of support to Kılıçdaroğlu, Chairman Leader Aksakal ignored this statement. The resignations from the DSP show that participation in the People’s Alliance was not approved within the party.

Former DSP Chairman Masum Türker prepared Önder Aksakal for the Presidency of the DSP. When Türker was elected as the Chairman in 2009, he appointed Aksakal as the vice chairman responsible for non-governmental organizations and professional chambers. He then left his place to her.

357 out of 636 delegates attended the Extraordinary Assembly held on 13 December 2015, and Önder Aksakal was elected the 6th Chairman of the DSP by receiving 247 votes in the third round.

We asked Innocent Türker why Aksakal made such a choice. He said that Kılıçdaroğlu did not offer anything in return while asking for support from the DSP, and that the AK Party came with a concrete offer for Aksakal and his friends. So, who is Leader Aksakal, who derailed the DSP for a few seats, turned a blind eye to the warnings of former ministers and deputies, and made the souls of Ecevits suffer?

Is he a politician from the right? No.

Innocent Türker announced that Önder Aksakal is a leftist, was tried and convicted in the Dev-Sol trial, was imprisoned and was banned from politics until 1998.

An amazing resume. In fact, when the exemplary political transformations of ex-leftists, who later became businessmen in this country, are remembered, this ‘political trade’ should not be surprising.

After being tried and imprisoned by Dev-Sol, he entered politics and sided with HUDA PAR!..


As for Önder Aksakal’s profession. Construction engineer. He built and sold a house for a while. Build-Sell contractors. But now his job is to sell signs. He has been trying to get into Parliament for years.

The ‘respectable’ way of doing this was to enlarge the DSP and bring it to the point where it would enter the Assembly. A party with twice the power experience is the DSP. Its past is brilliant. They have staff. The potential for re-growth and entry into Parliament is very high.


In the 8 years that Önder Aksakal was the Chairman, the DSP could not even capture a vote potential enough to appear in the opinion polls, let alone enter the Parliament.

When Ecevit left the party in 2004, he left 100 million liras. At that time, 1 lira was 34 cents per dollar. About 75 million dollars. Those who came after that date spent 75 million dollars and could not even get the party to 1 percent of the vote.

Now they have the sign, they are selling it.

Instead of growing the party, they waited every election period. So that someone should come and offer them parliamentary positions so that they can enter the Parliament.

Just visiting Ecevit’s grave on the anniversary of his death is not enough. It is necessary to have his philosophy, stance and work on the field. Sitting at the Headquarters and waiting for offers is not politics…

In fact, there is no need to be angry or upset. Because this DSP is not Ecevit’s DSP.

In fact, Rahşan Hanım broke off her ties with the DSP after the congress in May 2009 and founded the Democratic Left People’s Party in June. This party did not live, but Rahşan Hanım completely erased DSP from her heart.

He did not vote for DSP in the elections.

You did not hear wrong. Rahşan Ecevit, the founding Chairman of DSP, did not vote for DSP in the general elections of 2011, 2015 and 2018, which passed from 2009 until 2020, when he passed away.

He supported Kemal Kılıçdaroğlu after breaking his ties with the DSP. He openly showed his support by attending the CHP congress.

Now it is necessary to leave Önder Aksakal alone with his choice. Because this choice does not carry votes from left to right…”


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Rahşan Ecevit, the wife of Bülent Ecevit, one of the former leaders of the Republican People’s Party, sent a message to the Chairman Kemal Kılıçdaroğlu and supported the Justice March.

Rahşan Ecevit’s message was as follows:

“Mr. Kılıçdaroğlu and those accompanying him,
I could not attend the March for Justice because my situation was not available. However, I would like this meaningful walk to continue after Sunday, even if it is spiritual, at all times and in all matters.
I offer my best wishes for success.
Rahsan Ecevit”

#DevSol #DSP #Chairman #Önder #Aksakal #kneels #Erdoğan

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