How drinking water can help regulate blood pressure: Tips from health experts

by time news

2023-05-15 18:12:00

The good news is that research shows that people with low blood pressure are able to increase it simply by drinking more water

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Health authorities in many countries of the world, including the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), are concerned that many are not doing enough to control and deal with cases of high blood pressure, according to what was published by USA Today.

“The higher the blood pressure levels, the greater the patient’s risk of other health problems, such as heart disease, heart attack and stroke,” warns an awareness leaflet issued by the CDC. Among the many proven ways to deal with blood pressure issues, improved hydration ranks high on the list.

Lowering blood pressure

While drinking water does not immediately lower high blood pressure, it can make a difference. Because water makes up about 73% of the human heart, staying hydrated plays an important role in regulating blood pressure. It has also been proven that dehydration causes higher levels of sodium in the blood than normal, which leads to an increase in blood pressure. A 2019 study published in the Journal of the American Heart Association showed that drinking mineral-rich water can also be beneficial in lowering blood pressure.

Low pressure problems

But it’s not just blood pressure that gets too high. “All organs in the human body depend on good blood flow. So, blood pressure should not be too high, nor too low but just right,” says Shaleen Rao, a cardiologist at New York University Langone Hospital, because low blood pressure is a problem. also.

Dizziness and fainting

“Blood pressure is related to blood volume,” explains John White, WebMD’s chief medical officer and author of “Take Control of Your Heart Disease Risk,” explaining that if a person is dehydrated, it may “lead to a decrease in blood volume, which leads to hypotension.” Blood pressure, and as blood pressure decreases, the heart rate must rise to deliver more blood to the organs.”

Because blood is made up of about 90% water, according to Dr. Rao, “if the body does not have enough water, the volume of blood is not sufficient to do the job required to fuel the body,” which can lead to feeling dizzy or fainting.


The good news is that research shows that people with low blood pressure can increase it (and reduce dizziness) simply by drinking more water. “Low blood pressure can be managed by drinking adequate amounts of water and following the labels on your blood pressure medications,” says Melissa Wood, MD, associate director of cardiology at Massachusetts General Hospital.

The right amount for blood pressure patients

The CDC warns that many people are not getting enough water and has several suggestions for increasing their water intake. This includes filling a glass or bottle with it always on hand, choosing water over sugary drinks and soda, and washing down food with water at mealtime.

Because a person loses more water when they sweat, it is important to be mindful of hydrating as the temperature rises. “With the warmer months ahead, it’s especially important for people with low blood pressure to limit their caffeine consumption and drink more water,” advises Dr. Scott Dawson, a cardiologist with the Inspira Medical Group.

Dr. Rao recommends that “a reasonable amount of fluid for those with healthy hearts and kidneys would be 2.5 to 3.5 liters per day,” but each patient should discuss the appropriate amount and the best measure to follow based on the risks.

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