The abuse of Artificial Intelligence can harm patients

by time news

2023-05-16 20:00:03

  • Thanks to Artificial Intelligence, millions of clinical records can be analyzed in just a few seconds.
  • The use of platforms such as ChatGPT, Bard and Bert has surprised by all the capabilities it offers.
  • The WHO ensures that the hasty adoption of this type of technology within the health field can lead to errors on the part of health workers and cause harm to patients.

One of the main objectives of technology is to facilitate daily activities. Her progress has been so drastic that she is already immersed in all walks of life. Such is the case of the Artificial intelligence which is already applied within the field of health. But now, one of the main doubts is about its limits and capabilities.

With this in mind, the World Health Organization (WHO) published its point of view. He made it clear that the Hasty adoption of unproven AI systems in the healthcare field can lead to errors on the part of healthcare workers and cause harm to patients. For this reason, it is essential to make ethical use of any type of technological tool.

Otherwise, the agency added, its negative consequences will erode confidence in the Artificial intelligence and will undermine the potential benefits and long-term uses of those technologies.

The UN agency explained that the language models generated by Artificial Intelligence include rapidly expanding platforms such as ChatGPT, Bard and Bert between many others that mimic the compression, processing, and production of human communication.

The WHO recognized the advantages that the appropriate use of these tools to support health professionals, patients, researchers and scientists. However, it raised with concern the lack of caution that characterizes its use and that it is not comparable to that exercised with other new technologies.

The risks in the use of technology

Referring to the main risks of using these tools, the WHO listed the following:

  • The data used for the bases that feed the Artificial intelligence they can be biased and generate misleading or inaccurate information that could pose a danger to health, equity and inclusion.
  • Language models produce responses that may appear authoritative and plausible to an end user, but these may be incorrect or contain serious errors, especially on health-related topics.
  • Language models may receive information about data whose use has not been previously consented to and, when they generate responses, may not protect sensitive data such as that provided by a user to a computer application.
  • Language models can be misused to generate and disseminate health misinformation in the form of text, audio, or video content that is difficult to differentiate from trusted content.

Transparency and expert supervision

The WHO insisted that the process of analysis of the tools of Artificial intelligence it must contemplate transparency, inclusion, public participation, expert supervision and rigorous evaluation.

While noting that the healthcare industry can take advantage of new technologies to improve human health, he recommended that policy makers ensure patient safety and protection while technology companies work to commercialize the language models.

“It is imperative that risks be carefully examined when using AI-generated language models to improve access to health information, as a decision support tool, or even to improve diagnostic capabilities in low-resource settings to protect people’s health and reduce inequality”.

He also proposed that clear evidence of benefit be measured before widespread use of such tools in healthcare and routine medicine, whether by individuals, care providers, or healthcare system administrators and policymakers.

As he describes in his Guide on ethics and governance of Artificial Intelligence in the field of health, the WHO reiterated that autonomy must be protected; promote human well-being, human security and the public interest; ensure transparency and intelligibility; encourage responsibility and accountability; ensure inclusion and equity; and protect autonomy when designing, developing and applying technology so that its use is reliable and sustainable.

Also read:

Harmful effects of technology: Abuse of digital devices produces cataracts and dry eye

Can technology help reduce health inequities?

Mexican innovation: IPN researchers use Artificial Intelligence to detect Alzheimer’s early

#abuse #Artificial #Intelligence #harm #patients

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