Hacking: How quickly can your password be cracked?

by time news

2023-05-17 12:16:41

Lowercase, uppercase, numbers, special characters… You know how to secure all your passwords and yet, do you really do it? This is enough to convince you to get started. The American company specializing in cybersecurity Hive Systems has published its annual study on the time required to hack any password.

Data taken over by France Num, the government portal on the digital transformation of companies. And the results are impressive… or rather frightening! If your password is less than six characters, it can be cracked instantly. Likewise, it takes less than 5 minutes to hack an eight-character passcode even with different letters, numbers, digits, and special characters. However, conditions are required on most websites to secure your password.

We hack 3.7 times faster for 5.5 times less

It’s when you start to exceed 10 characters that it becomes interesting for your cybersecurity. Three years are needed to find a password of 11 different and special pictograms, and up to 77 million years if your code exceeds 15 characters.

In short, the result is simple. The more special characters, numbers and different letters you use, the longer it will take to crack your password. On the other hand, make no mistake about it, no password is impenetrable.

The Hive Systems company bases its calculations on several hacking hypotheses, from a low-budget hacker with a simple computer equipped with a rather powerful graphics card to a hacker who would pay to rent computing resources on online platforms such as Microsoft Azure or Amazon AWS. What is worrying: the results absolutely do not take into account the hypothesis of a professional hacker endowed with significant resources, which would therefore be much faster.

With the publication of their study every year, it can also be noted that the speed of hacking has increased considerably. Depending on the processors, we can go up to 3.7 times faster than in 2022 for 5.5 times cheaper. With the same budget, a hacker can therefore crack a password nearly 20 times faster than last year….

#Hacking #quickly #password #cracked

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