Understanding Sputum: What the Color and Consistency Mean for Your Health

by time news

2023-05-17 13:42:45

Also exciting: These tips will help if you cough up phlegm > >

Coughing is a vital function that allows our body to rid itself of foreign bodies in the airways in an emergency, but when we are ill, coughing quickly becomes torture. In addition to pain when coughing, there is often mucous sputum. As a rule, the mucus is not a cause for concern, but sometimes it can also indicate serious causes. In particular, the color and consistency of the sputum can provide information about whether we should better see a doctor.

Expectoration when coughing: Sputum usually harmless

Our lungs are constantly producing mucus. This protects the bronchi. If foreign bodies such as dust, pollen or microbes such as viruses and bacteria enter our body with the air we breathe, our mucous membranes serve as the first line of defense. Pathogens and pollutants get caught in the mucus and are eliminated through the nose and also through coughing.

slime formation and cough with sputum are therefore completely natural bodily functions. Under normal circumstances, coughing up phlegm is a kind of garbage disposal of our respiratory system. The mucus our lungs produce will called sputum by the way.

What do the colors of the sputum mean?

The color and consistency of sputum can tell us a lot. Although it is not true that the color of the sputum allows a clear determination of the cause of the disease, the nature of the sputum, how the color changes and how thick or easy the mucus is coughed up, allows conclusions to be drawn about the general course of the disease.

Green phlegm when coughing

With colds, for example, it is not uncommon for the cough to be persistent at the beginning of the illness. Doctors then speak of an unproductive cough or dry cough. We all know that nerve-wracking tingling in our throat. We then cough again and again because the lungs try in vain to remove stuck and virus-infected mucus from the bronchi. If our immune system then slowly gains the upper hand over the pathogens, it becomes easier to cough up the mucus.

Now we usually produce a lot of mucus when we cough. If the sputum is green, it is often a viral cold or bacterial pneumonia. The By the way, green color of sputum arises from leukocytesthat are contained in the sputum. These white blood cells are part of our immune system and fight viruses, bacteria and other pathogens.

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Clear white mucus

Of course, it is best if no mucus is brought up when you cough. In itself, phlegm is always a sign that something is irritating our lungs. If the discharge is clear, glassy, ​​it seems unlikely that bacteria or viruses are responsible. In fact, the mucus that our lungs produce 24/7, even when healthy, has no color. It is transparent and clear. But if we cough up large amounts of it, one could Irritation or chronic inflammation of the bronchi behind it. A glassy, ​​tough sputum is also often accompanied Asthma or chronic bronchitis.

For clear, glassy sputum can also responsible for allergies be. Our immune system is falsely put on acute alert by pollen in the air and reacts as it was programmed by evolution: flushing pathogens out of the body through increased mucus production.

Yellow phlegm when coughing

Just like green phlegm, yellow sputum when you cough usually indicates bacterial inflammation or viral disease of the lungs. It is not possible to tell from the color of the mucus whether it is bacteria or viruses. In fact, yellow or green sputum is more indicative of how severe or long-lasting an infection is. At the beginning of the infection, the mucus is rather yellowish, with increasing duration the sputum can then undergo a color change and become greenish. The most common causes of green phlegm when coughing are primarily:

  • A cold
  • Bronchitis
  • lung infection
  • sinus infection

Sputum is brown

Brown sputum can have many causes. Frequently it occurs in smokerswho with the sputum also plenty Cough up pollutants from the lungs. The mucus then also contains toxic waste products that have penetrated deep into the lungs with the cigarette smoke.

One brown discoloration of mucus can also arise when old blood in the sputum is included. Chronic or severe infections can damage the bronchi or the lining of the airways. Then blood comes out in places. The Red The blood pigment of hemoglobin breaks down over time and turns brown.

blood in the sputum

Red streaks in the mucus, clots of blood or sputum that has turned completely red should not be taken lightly. If there is blood in the sputum, harmless infections can also be behind it, you should But always leave the diagnosis to doctors. Because blood in the sputum can also be a sign of serious illnesses such as lung cancer or Tuberculosis be.

When should I see a doctor if I cough up mucus?

Trust your experience. You know yourself and your body best. How long does it usually take to get over a common cold? If your cough remains persistent and mucous for several days, go to your family doctor.

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In general, yellow, green, and even clear mucus are not necessarily a cause for concern. Such mucus indicates infection. Coughing up usually stops on its own once the illness is over.

However, if you notice unusual discoloration of the sputum or unusual consistencies, consult a doctor. Pink, fuchsia and red colors of the mucus should urgently be clarified by a doctor; just as brown or black. Is the sputum foamy, you should too seek medical advice.

#color #slime #means

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