“Staying Up Late Negatively Affects Women’s Fertility, Study Finds”

by time news

2023-05-17 22:04:02

Adham Elsayed

Posted on: Wednesday, May 17, 2023 – 11:03 PM | Last update: Wednesday 17 May 2023 – 11:03 PM

Many women are keen to maintain their reproductive health, but there is a widespread habit that threatens reproductive health, as a recent study revealed that staying up late negatively affects fertility in women, as shown by an experiment on mice.

And the “Medical Express” website stated that a team from the University of Strasbourg conducted an experiment on a number of female mice by increasing the number of hours of exposure to light for 10 hours, which simulates the process of staying up late in women, for a period of one month, to see the effect of staying up late on fertility.

After a month of the experiment, the team found a decrease in luteinizing hormone in the vigil female mice, which is the hormone that stimulates the ovulation process, and with its decline, fertility is affected.

Marine Simannox, the study’s supervisor, explains the relationship between sleeplessness and ovulation, as she says that the part responsible for the body’s biological clock is linked to nerves with the pituitary gland that secretes luteinizing hormone, which stimulates ovulation.

She added that the discipline of the biological clock is followed by a certain setting of the dates of ovulation, but when that hour is disturbed, the pituitary gland is disturbed, and accordingly, the secretion of the hormone that stimulates ovulation declines.

#Study #Staying #late #weakens #fertility #women

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