Carlos Pineda Disruptive or unbalanced?

by time news

2023-05-17 19:40:00

Carlos Pineda may be disruptive -a very fashionable word- in the electoral political arena, but more than that, it seems unbalanced. To stand out before a tired electorate -tired- of the political class, one must be ingenious, without a doubt, but the way of conducting the candidate Pineda is bordering on the absurd and, if he comes to power, can go from absurd to dangerous.

But dangerous not only in the sense of agitating a system that has not brought satisfaction to millions of Guatemalans, but also dangerous for disrupting republican institutions that, although in Guatemala they work poorly, they are the only ones, tested over time and throughout the world, that have served to generate prosperity.

The folksy shape of speaking and the videos of Tik Tok that he has masterfully used to make himself known are one thing, but what he did -or tried to do- in the meeting between national prosecutors of the political parties and the Supreme Electoral Tribunal This Tuesday, May 16, is one more example of the chaotic nature of his personality and behavior.

That day electoral authorities and national prosecutors met to discuss issues that are within your competence. Although disgraceful things have happened in meetings like this, such as deciding to eliminate the names of the candidates for deputy from the ballot papers, a decision from which they had to reverse course, that conclave has powers from which it cannot escape. Everything has its time and place.

Derived from that the party CHANGE -party that Pineda helped to form together with the bucket– file an amparo to annul an assembly of Citizen Prosperity (the party of the “push”) the prosecutor of this party had the slogan of achieving put on the agenda at that meetingthe amparo that is known in judicial instances, totally outside the scope of competence of the TSE and the prosecutors. To “support” this attempt, the candidate Pineda showed up at the hotel room where the meeting was taking place, a fact that was recorded by all the media and journalists present.

It was possible to see how since she bursts through the door, from behind the room, she begins to raise her hand as if asking to speak while the president of the TSE addressed those present. He continues walking like Juan around his house and starts talking, thus interrupting the president. As it was expected, was called to order and removed from the meeting where he had nothing to do.

Pineda knew it would be a controversial act

Cash communicator as it is, wore recording equipment and cameras to document what happened and when he left, when he was fired, he recorded a video in which -once again- he victimized himself saying that the magistrates were in a secret meeting and that they secretly wanted to do and undo; that, being a public gathering, he had the right to be there “from listener”.

And perhaps yes, although unusual, a candidate could witness one of those meetings, but not to do what he did and which minutes later he denied, despite being recorded by the press. It is evident that he did not want to be a simple listenerbut that he intended to participate with a voice -and probably with a vote- in that meeting.

The irruption of Pineda did not augur any success, because it is not in that instance where the matter that led him there is discussed; This amparo is being heard in the Sixth Chamber of the Administrative Litigation Court and just a day before the background information had been requested to find out if provisional amparo was granted or not.

So if it couldn’t have any effect, what Pineda seems to be looking for was, once again, to put on a showa staging like the ones he constantly does on his Tik Tok account.

It has already shown that, or it is a tremendous actor -someone who plays a part, but that’s not really it- or is it someone who is not in full control of their emotions and therefore their actions. Just remember two episodes in his short political history: 1) a video in which he looked out of his boxes and threatening next to a plane, and 2) a press conference in which he broke down in tears arguing that “they wanted to get him out” of the electoral contest.

Unbalancedmore than disruptive, but also emotionally unstablecharacteristics that are not the most desirable in a ruler. Carlos Pineda has a good chance of becoming president; What will he do once in her, given his characteristics? is the million dollar question.

#Carlos #Pineda #Disruptive #unbalanced

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