the key to governance, in the hands of Empty Spain (Aragon Exists)

by time news

2023-05-18 10:44:14

Javier Lambán, President of the Government of Aragon, leads an Executive of coalition made up of an unprecedented quadripartite, with formations of different ideologies: PSOE, which has 24 seats, Podemos (5), Chunta Aragonesista (3) and the Aragonese Party (3). However, the scenario could be very different in the May 28 elections, since the Popular Party has skyrocketed by Jorge Azcón, current mayor of Zaragoza. But it would not be enough, the key: in the hands of the Empty Spain (coalition of Aragón Existe and Teruel Existe).

The PP shoots up, but not enough. According to the CIS, the PP would win the elections with 36.2% of the votes and between 24 and 28 seats compared to the 16 it currently has. The key is in the abysmal fall of Ciudadanos, from which it would benefit, and which currently has 12 deputies in the Cortes of Aragon. Even so, it would not be enough to govern with Vox.

  • The PSOE would get 31.1% of the votes, which would translate into 24-26 seats, although it also hopes to be able to scratch off those votes that in 2019 opted for Cs. Lambán himself, who has governed the community since 2015, acknowledged that his preference four years ago was to govern with the orange formation, although, finally, Albert Rivera’s veto gave rise to an alliance in which the Aragonese Party was key.

Empty Spain has the key. Thus, the coalition that represents Empty Spain (Aragon Exists – Teruel Exists) would have the key to these elections to govern in the community.

  • Aragón Existe is contesting regional elections for the first time and, although so far it has not shown preferences for either of the two majority formations, it has made it clear that it rules out “any equation” in which Vox is involved.
  • As the group itself highlights on its Twitter profile, Aragón Existe was born from “the vindication of the Teruel Existe movement, the experience of its group, and the fight against the depopulation of Empty Spain.” Thomas Guitartewho has left Congress, is the candidate.
  • According to the polls, the movement could break into the Parliament of Aragon with force, reaching up to four seats. The Socialists hope to receive, if necessary, the support of Tomás Guitarte, who could join the quadripartite in Aragon and replace the historic PAR.

Will the PAR disappear? PSOE is now confident of being able to re-add a multiparty coalition with Lambán at the head, but that PAR that was key four years ago could now disappear from the Cortes.

  • The PAR experienced a well-known internal crisis, including a motion of no confidence that resulted in the departure of its president, Arturo Aliaga. As a result of this situation, two parties have been formed and some of their members have ended up joining PP and Ciudadanos.
  • The Aragonese Party (PAR) is a historical formation that has always been decisive for the configuration of autonomous governments, since it has formed part of the coalition Executive in eight of the 11 legislatures. However, everything indicates that the internal schism experienced in the party, which now leads Clemente Sanchez-Garnicait will take its toll.

The promises of PSOE and PP

The proximity of the regional elections is already beginning to be felt among the candidates, as is the case of the general secretary of the PSOE in Aragon and candidate for the regional Presidency, Javier lamban, who has announced that he will supplement the line of guarantees announced by Sánchez with an additional 15%, to cover, through the Official Credit Institute, 20% of the mortgage on a first home for people under 35 years of age with annual income less than 37,800 euros, and for families with dependent children. “Young Aragonese will have a 35% guarantee to acquire housing“, he assured.

For the leader of the Aragonese socialists, autonomy “has been a successful project thanks to all the Aragonese, led by the socialists”, and he has claimed to have achieved that Aragón “has its own voice and is a respected community in Spain, which demands speak and give an opinion on state affairs, in addition to having managed to be leaders in growth and job creation“.

“We have recovered the public services that the right destroyed and today we can say that we are the community with the second best quality of life and least inequality, although we intend to be the first and contribute, from Aragon, to making Spain the country with the highest quality of life and the most egalitarian in Europe”, he stated .

Meanwhile, the president of the PP-Aragón, Jorge Azconconsiders that the Popular Party’s proposal for a line of business operation aid at 20% is the “formula” for end depopulation. In this sense, he has defended that the PP is “the only one with which it is possible for these aids to be implemented, which will mean attracting wealth and companies and job creation.”

The party led by Azcón also has the objective of “improve tax credits and raise a housing plan focused on rehabilitation“. In this sense, he explained that in the smallest towns “the need for housing involves rehabilitating those that already exist, making them habitable.” And connectivity, as the popular has pointed out, is another of the fundamental pillars of the program of the PP, arguing that “it is important that anyone can make calls, receive data or have broadband to, among other things, pay with a credit card.”

Aragon is one of the most disputed autonomies ahead of next May 28, with a fragmented political scene, and with surveys that show a open stage, no clear favorite. It is also one of the few territories where Izquierda Unida and Podemos have not closed an agreement to go in coalition, so they will go separately.

Lambán’s health problems in this legislature

Javier Lambán, who chairs the regional government, has caused several health problems throughout the last legislature. In February 2021, and after months of rumors about his state of health as a result of two hospitalizations, announced during a press conference that he had colon cancer, although he was optimistic and promised to continue fulfilling his duties. Finally, Lambán underwent surgery in May 2021 for cancer that he has already overcome, although he continues with the usual medical check-ups.

And in February of this year, the Aragonese president was admitted to the Miguel Servet hospital in Zaragoza due to a urine infection, according to sources from the Government of Aragon. In this case, it was done as a precaution, since in October 2020 he suffered prostatitis of infectious origin.

More of a million Aragonese will be able to exercise their right to vote in the elections to Cortes de Aragón on May 28, according to the census of the National Institute of Statistics (INE). In addition, citizens over the age of 18 are called upon to elect their municipal representatives on the same day, as is the case in the rest of Spain.

#key #governance #hands #Empty #Spain #Aragon #Exists

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